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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Idgie

    Feeding Horse Hay

    I buy a bale of grass hay from a farmer. He has many types and cuts that he stores in the barn. He let's me go through them and I pick what I want. He usually doesn't sell to chinchillas lol, but that $10 bale lasts me all year!
  2. Idgie

    Okay to eat loofah?

    As it turns out, Ripley doesn't care about the loofah at all. Just sits in her cage ignored. Funny how each chin has their favorite things.
  3. Idgie

    Amount of food?

    I also just feed my chin however much she wants.
  4. Idgie

    Questions about food and water

    I buy a gallon of purified water. Under a $1 and it lasts at least a month. Well worth it in my book.
  5. Idgie

    Okay to eat loofah?

  6. Idgie

    Okay to eat loofah?

    My two previous chins never cared for loofah. But my new chin, Ripley, wants to eat it. I cut her a small slice, but she doesn't seems to be shredding it. She thinks that it is a treat. She is only 5 months old, so I don't really want her eating it at all now. But is it okay when she gets...
  7. Idgie

    Raising butt

    Thanks. No, I don't want to breed her. Was just wondering at what age chins go into heat and if that could be it. I have had female chins, so I know about the moods lol. Didn't know that puberty was so young.
  8. Idgie

    New Chin--Ripley

    Thanks everyone. She's bonding with us pretty well so far.
  9. Idgie

    Raising butt

    We have a four month old chin that we adopted a couple weeks ago. We pet her in her cage. She constantly is raising her butt (while she is facing us) to have us scratch her bottom. She often squeaks (not squeals) and will let out a scent. She likes to be scratched all over and is pretty...
  10. Idgie

    New Chin--Ripley

  11. Idgie

    New Chin--Ripley

    Hi, Just wanted to let you all know that I had to put Idgie down a couple months ago. But we adopted a new chin last week. I had wanted to get another rescue, but we ended up falling in love with a baby. Her name is Ripley and she is a little over 4 months old. She is a mosaic. (My avatar is...
  12. Idgie

    New Chinchilla Own

    Welcome! This forum has tons of info! You can search on the top for certain issues. Or just read and learn a lot. Also, ask questions. I would not feed my chin nuts or seeds ever! There are other healthy treats and herbs to give chins. Poplar is good and kiln dried pine (which is what most...
  13. Idgie

    Water bottle

    I don't even fill that size since a chin won't drink that much before you need to change it.
  14. Idgie

    Corneal ulcer

    Thank you ❤️
  15. Idgie

    Corneal ulcer

    I am pretty inconsolable now after finding the strength to put Idgie down. It was especially hard since she wasn't sickly. But her eye was hurting her (we had her on pain meds) and she hated us putting the ointment in her eye three times a day. We did not want to wait for it to rupture-which...
  16. Idgie

    Corneal ulcer

    I would have tried it too if we had any hope that it would work. Her disease is degenerative and only getting worse. She has had a long, happy life.
  17. Idgie

    Corneal ulcer

    I am not sure if I mentioned that Idgie's eye is making no attempt to try and heal. She has no blood vessels going there. And the ulcer is deep and down to its very last layer. It is quite tenuous and there is no hope that she can get better. But I'm so glad that the treatment worked for...
  18. Idgie

    Corneal ulcer

    I did ask my regular vet about it and it requires many, many treatments--not just a simple thing. I even talked to the ophthalmologist about removing her eye, but she did not believe that Idgie would survive the anesthesia or recover well if she did. We really don't want to put her through all...
  19. Idgie

    Corneal ulcer

    Saw the ophthalmologist vet. She suspects that Idgie is older than I thought. (She was a rescue). She has corneal dystrophy and degeneration in both eyes with the ulcer in the one. It is due to a blink deficit. It will not be able to heal and grid keratotomy will not be successful due largely...
  20. Idgie

    Corneal ulcer

    My chin, Idgie, has a corneal ulcer. My vet and I have been treating it with antibiotic ointment, but there is a lot of tissue build up around it and the ulcer is unable to heal. We are considering a grid keratotomy and consulting with an exotic ophthalmologist to see how effective this would...