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  1. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    He just had a handful of rolled oats and millet seed; now he's eating hay so that's a good sign. I will keep hand feeding him until I can get some CC. Thanks guys for all your help. I am quiting the Baytril and see how he fairs. If he seizes again I will bring him to Montreal to an exotic vet...
  2. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    I just found a place in Quebec so we'll see if I can get that or drive over the border and pick it's Oxbow Critical Care right?
  3. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    Canadian Customs said that I can try - they don't guarantee it will make it through. With all the lock down at the border on our side I don't want to risk the chance for what? My mom used to work for customs and says it has about a 40% chance it will make it through. If it's not been approved...
  4. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    Ok I think I am going to stop the Baytril. I think that is why he's not himself. He's ok about 10 hours after the dose and his normal self...and then I do it to him again. Last night he was eating fine until I gave him the Baytril and steroid. I have to find an exotic vet around here - they...
  5. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    Do you think it would be safe to stop the Baytril? I don't think it's necessary. I mean obviously if he started to seize again I would take him back in but he seems fine. He is miserable with the Baytril...and I don't want him to be medicated if it's for a unsure diagnosis? I truly don't believe...
  6. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    She gave him Baytril .05 dose every 12 hours. She gave him steroids .01 dose every 24 hours. She gave him Sucralfate .02 every 12 hours but 1 hour after the Baytril and Steroid and only as long as he's on steroids. I have stopped the steroids, he had 2 doses. Baytril he has had 4 doses. I am...
  7. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    I've already buritto wrapped him and it's just not working. I don't know what to do, he's only had 3 doses - too late to stop altogether. She gave him steroids as a catch 22. Unfortunately here we don't have life line and those products for chins because they're still very new to Canada. I...
  8. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    What if I stop the use of everything? He is miserable. He doesn't want to eat, not even his treats or anything. I tried a chaser after the Baytril of his pellets in mush with a little honey and he spits out everything. He has a few bites of hay. I think I just want to quit all the antibiotic...
  9. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    He is allowed to play for 30 mins a night and usually does so fine. Last night was a bit longer because he had his bath after. He's very much snuggly so he's not jumping around the whole time. It's not unusual for him to curl up in my top and sleep chirping during the middle of his play time...
  10. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    I have a feeling that is exactly why she gave him steroids; the reality is that she doesn't know them very well. I'm hard pressed to find a vet here for them. Unfortunately because people don't watch excessively with them by the time she sees them it's too late for the chin... It was an...
  11. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    No he didn't have any head injury. She was aware of that. She said in case of infection and yes I was to administer it 1 hour after the baytrill and steroid. Well now I don't know what the heck to do? Should I just continue with the baytrill? She wanted me to use the sucralfate just while he's...
  12. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    She gave me some Sucralfate in lieu of that - do you think it's ok? It's drugs made specifically to stop that reaction to them???
  13. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    Well he is in air conditioning all the time, I never keep the place over 70. He was not excessively hot. He did not eat a power cord (very chin proof place where he plays) he did not fall or hurt himself either. He was on my head and shoulder and on the floor repeatedely. Also veggies are ok for...
  14. C

    HELP please...Seizure? Stroke?

    He is two years old. He has had a birth defect with his eye, they were going to put him down at the pet shop so I took him home. So last night my Cheelay played for one hour. Then he had his dust bath rolling around for about another 15 mins...then he had his treat back in his cage; dried veg...