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  1. L

    Weaned chin problems?

    We have cut out the raisins, we now give all natural cherrios but cannot find the old fashioned oats.. They only have the instant or flavored kind at our local store. I wish the breeder would have told me all of this when we got our first chin, we even said something about letting her have...
  2. L

    Weaned chin problems?

    Less than 24 hours of stopping the dyne, everything is well. Even after running on her wheel there is nothing!! If i could get one more answer from the experts... She still has 21 days left of her quarentine, can they play in the same area at different times? Should it be cleaned in between...
  3. L

    Weaned chin problems?

    I don't feel ribs sticking out or her skin hanging, her size isn't what bothers me so much. I am a sucker for runts (both of my dogs and older chin). Black the older chin is smaller but still healthy and my dogs are bigger than the vet expected. I understand that I can't force her to "catch...
  4. L

    Weaned chin problems?

    The older chin (Black) gets Timothy hay, Timothy pellets, once a month she gets a fiesta stick, and after play time she gets two raisins... One from each of my daughters. She does have wooden toys, and a rosewood ball with walnuts in the middle. She doesn't eat or chew any of the toys. The...
  5. L

    Weaned chin problems?

    Sorry, the older chin got the fiesta stick... Which she gets once every month or so. Princess has timothy cubes. I will stop the dyne and see how that works. Should I give her another dust bath? It has been two days since her last and I left it in her cage for about 15 minutes (she wasn't...
  6. L

    Weaned chin problems?

    She is getting Timothy hay, and Timothy essentials pellets. She has had one dandelion drop, no raisins, and part of her stick of food... Looks like the fiesta mix you can get for them. Other than that, the dyne. She is on a strict diet compared to our older chin. Also, we have well water so...
  7. L

    Weaned chin problems?

    This is my second chin, born on Dec. 19, 2011... She was the runt of the litter and has always been small. Twice a day she gets hand fed Dyne (milk supplement) because she is so small. Was taken to the vet and was told that as the runt she may always be a bit smaller but overall health was...