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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Y

    Questions and Thoughts on Introducing two Chins

    Thanks GreenEyedBaby, it's reassuring to hear about chins finally getting along. I've read several accounts on people using the Smoosh method. My wife and I are very concened that something could go wrong and one or both of the chins would be hurt during the process. The way I've read about...
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    Questions and Thoughts on Introducing two Chins

    Thanks Cuddlebug, here's an update from our second meeting of the chins. We decided to try again Sunday afternoon. We had them swap houses again for Friday and Saturday night before the second meeting. After dabbing buts and noses with vanillia we placed them into a neutral play area in our...
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    Questions and Thoughts on Introducing two Chins

    Just thought I'd post an update on how our two chins are doing. We had the chins swap cages several times over last week. While both were very curious of thier new surroundings at first, the younger chin (Jayden) seemed to adjust to her new "home" much quicker than the older chin (Mouse)...
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    Questions and Thoughts on Introducing two Chins

    Thanks for the feedback Andreya and Cuddlebug. I didn't think to continue swapping cages more than once, we'll start doing that this weekend. When switching cages should they stay in the other's cage or switch back or just for a visit? I did read about the vanilla on several other threads...
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    Questions and Thoughts on Introducing two Chins

    Hi all, I'm pretty much a lurker here and have read several threads on introducing chins and would like some feed back. Here is a bit of back story; sorry for the length. My wife and I adopted a single female chin (Mouse about 3.5 yrs old at the time) from a co-workers daughter who was...