i meant gray. *sorry for one typing error geeze. and their not together just to breed. if i try seperating then they get depressed. its better for any animal to have one or more of the same species living with it. pyschology major. What about people who have cats and dogs? there can...
i have two standard grade ones.. and yes i have gotten a better cage since then. im not trying to breed them but im not trying to stop them.if they have babys i know some great homes for them. and my female was a great mother n there was no complications in the birthing process
My chinchillas had a one baby chin about 3 years ago.. unfornately it got loose (even after i chicken wired around the cage) and my cat had got ahold of it. My male and female are still in the same cage and they mate quite often. But she hasnt had a baby since. Im just wondering why. My female...