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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Vyxxin


    Any wood, not just really a guessing game that only experience teaches well. Things that make a difference: how thick, how many layers high do you have it stacked, how wet was the wood when harvested...and even then, it's not an exact science. I HATE drying grape, in all of my...
  2. Vyxxin

    What Can & Cannot A Chinchilla Eat?

    I'm with Smidgeyy...the less treats the better. I only treat with rosehips, old fashioned oats and plain cheerios occasionally. The absolute best way to "treat" would be different wood varieties IMO. Likewise, you can give different varieties of hay but I've noticed over the years (10yrs...
  3. Vyxxin

    Surprise baby kit!!!

    Neutering is much safer than spaying but there ARE still risks. Chinchillas in general do not tolerate surgery very well and MOST on here find a VERY experienced chinchilla vet to do neuters. That all said, even at weaning a FN will be very large for a 2month old kit. Some will still be able to...
  4. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    And yet another toy package claimed by Dawn ;) paypal and I should have it in the mail this week
  5. Vyxxin

    How to get kits to dust bath?

    I never worry about kits, I put duster in with mom when it's her days to bath...and by weaning time the kits know what to do. Have never had a problem with doing it this way.
  6. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Going once...going twice! That is 22 apple hanging toys...including shipping, for just $85! After shipping comes out that's less than $4/toy!
  7. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Still have 22 hanging toys and two perches. If somebody wants the hanging toys, $85 including shipping!
  8. Vyxxin

    Non-surgical Neutering--Zeuterin. Anyone know anything about it?

    The obstacle I see would be the fact that all animals you've named it being successful in (dogs, cats & rats) have easily accessible testicles. Chinchillas can retract theirs up into the, I'm not entirely sure if they "relax" during sedation as it's never been something I've taken...
  9. Vyxxin

    How many chins to keep

    It really depends on YOU. What kind of life do you want to offer them, and then how many can you realistically offer that lifestyle to? This is not a decision anyone can make for you, it's a decision you have to make for yourself and your pets :)
  10. Vyxxin

    What happen to my chin

    IF none of the chins were seriously hurt...they both need checked over extremely well. The one that's hiding is especially concerning as that's not a good sign when they're acting abnormal. Just the stress alone could cause issues, I would watch her food and water intake to make sure she's...
  11. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    OH! and anyone who enjoyed my snowmen last year...I'm hoping to make some more this year! Hoping nobody copies the idea, as prior to my making them I'd never seen one similar...but anywho, I'm hoping to make a bunch of those for the holiday. We shall see!
  12. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    BUMP! There's a picture of all items available on my supplies page on my website! Still willing to make a good deal if somebody wants all of it!
  13. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    And for anyone interested...till midnight $100 will get you an awesome toy pack of: 22 apple hanging toys 36 willow toss toys 2 willow perches
  14. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    8 or 9 inches? With a 2" or so diameter...they're round log perches that are SUPER barky
  15. Vyxxin

    My chin ate gum containing xylitol! Help!

    I doubt you'll find too many that have experience on here with this specific situation. Accidents happen, but specific accidents/ingestions are less likely. I would call vets...maybe not YOUR vet. If your vet isn't experienced look up the vets list on here and call any of them...somebody should...
  16. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Today through midnight on Sunday the above package will be discounted to just $100!!! After midnight goes back up to full price :)
  17. Vyxxin

    Chins not breeding

    In regards to why they haven't previously reproduced? It could be a million things, for whatever reason some chinchillas do not reproduce together. Some do not reproduce in certain cages, in certain areas of the house, on certain diets...etc...etc Does this mean they will never reproduce? Not...
  18. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Will sell all as a package deal: 22 apple hanging toys 36 willow toss toys 2 willow perches TOTAL INCLUDING SHIPPING: $110
  19. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Currently have available: 11 apple stick toys- 6" long, each have 11-13 sticks per toy $5/ea 11 apple whirlie toys- 5-6" long, each have whirlies & most have finger traps $4/ea 2 willow perches- long, thick, barky perches that are approx. 2" in diameter $6/ea EVERY apple toy will be...
  20. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Honestly I usually do not have both types at the same time, due to one main reason. When I process, I process in batches...and I do not harvest anymore until the first batch is sold. This ensures a few things. First, apple SMELLS distinctly sweet. Willow, distinctly nutty. So when they're baked...