My ferrets go out side with the dogs when my chin is out. I know all about what ferrets can do Ive seen it first hand with a wild rabbit that they drug in the house to show me. Was not happy. SO when exactly is it ok for him to come out of his cage? Me and my chin have a good bond now I call his...
Ok thank you everyone i was kinda worried at first but now i get it. kinda like any other animal when it gets to that age. But Im confused about some saying that Bandit is to young for play time? so he is just suppose to stay in his cage. Even when i would go visit him at the breeders before he...
Ok I need some help here. I have only had my chin for 2 months now very first chin so i am new to all of this. I got him when he was 8 weeks old. It started about a week ago i seen him in his cage "attacking" his cuddle buddy in his cage. then when i let him out to play and run around the room...