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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. C

    Oxbow Garden Select

    Howdy! Hey, I recently bought a 20 lb. bag of Oxbow Garden Select chinchilla food. I like their freeze-dried small animal treats (literally all they are is tiny pieces of freeze-dried strawberry or banana. Pedro loves them, as well as my rabbit, goats, and dog. Sometimes I even eat one), and I...
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    Chinchilla diy play area

    Wow. Thanks, @Amethyst! I had no idea. Are oats okay? Pedro likes a couple oats on occasions, and if he shouldn't have banana, then I'd like to make sure he's good with what all else I've been giving him
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    Chinchilla diy play area

    I actually forgot to mention this, but if you have freeze dried chinchilla safe fruits or veggies, put them in the TP balls before you put the last 2 loops on. Then put them on and let your chinchillas go wild trying to get the treat! Pedro does this with freeze dried banana
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    In need of guidance. Please help

    Wow. This situation must suck. No offense, of course. May I suggest a big of what @Amethyst said, and separate them at this young age? However, chins are social critters, so I'd suggest getting another male and another female (if you can support 2 more). Do NOT buy them from Mr. *******...
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    Bottle vs bowl

    I'd suggest a bottle. Most bottles I've seen are made of plastic. However, they have a metal tube. The bottle itself is on the outside of the cage as the tube goes inside the bars. This is what I have and it works great.
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    Chinchilla diy play area

    My boy, Pedro, likes to jump in and out of the bathtub. I'd suggest a dust bath as well, regardless of whether or not he needs one. They just really like making messes, evidently. Also, try some TP roll balls! You cut a TP roll into 5-6 shorter cylinders, and then put them over each other until...
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    Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa

    That's a solid idea. Would CoreTec flooring work? My stepdad sells it and has a ton of little samples I could use.
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    Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa

    I was actually thinking about something like that! I was gonna maybe convert half or a quarter of the cupboard into a dust area and put a tunnel through the other half so they can get back into the main area. You'd be able to see/hear them through the tunnels as you get supply from the cabinet...
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    Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa

    I was thinking about that. Both my chinchilla and rabbit will be moving into my room. The cabinets could be really nice for storage! Plus, there's so much you can do with the china hutches for chins
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    Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa

    I like that! That could be cool, little wooden furniture. Great idea, love it!
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    Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa

    Sorry, I'm just some weird know-nothing redneck teen... What's a U channel? Also, love those cages. I'll huck some ideas of them into my blueprint.
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    Chinchillaville13's Chinchilla Villa

    All right. Some of you may know that I want to buy or build a new cage for Pedro. So... I might have enough money now, and need some good ideas. First, can you all please share some cool DIY cage ideas? Maybe something you built? It doesn't matter what it is, as long as I can build it (with...
  13. C

    Wood For Chinchilla

    Will do. Thanks!
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    How many pets do you have?

    Nice! Hey, do you sell your Chins to anybody or do you have them fill out applications to make sure they'd care for them right? If you don't do applications, may I suggest you do? It'd be very reassuring knowing that your little floofers go to good homes
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    How many pets do you have?

    I always try to rescue. I won't even go to PetSmart for a pet, no matter how long it takes to find a "used" or rescue critter. My dad buys any of his dogs from breeders, and I love them no matter what, but if I ever got a dog to call my own it'd be a rescue or stray. I suppose I worded that...
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    Wood For Chinchilla

    Thanks! Do they sell it in logs? It might be cool to buy a stump, hollow it out and make a guy, and make ledges on whatever branches are left
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    Wood For Chinchilla

    Wait, so I was thinking. Manzanita wood grows all funky, and I can sand off the sharp edges to make cool perches and whatnot. Is Manzanita safe for chinchillas?
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    Wood For Chinchilla

    Pedro LOVES poplar. I get little twigs from our 2 poplars and make all sorts of stuff for him with them, but he likes them just plain (cleaned as well, of course).
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    Wood For Chinchilla

    Dang it. Well, thanks anyway. Is there some other kind of cool looking but inexpensive wood I can make something out of?