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  1. Devynthecatwithsocks

    What's new?

    Also you must send me pics if your babies when you get them!
  2. Devynthecatwithsocks

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  3. Devynthecatwithsocks

    What's new?

    Here is what the moderator says and I completely agree. If you want to be extra careful you can avoided giving alfalfa hay to them so it's high I'm sugar anyway, but essentials should be fine as long as the chin has a medical issue in which it's prone to stones or can't moderate their calcium...
  4. Devynthecatwithsocks

    What's new?

    As for kidney stones, sometimes its caused by an excess amount of calcium, but mainly and excess amount of oxalate. Too little calcium can cause kidney stones, more than too much. Hope this helps.
  5. Devynthecatwithsocks

    What's new?

    Ok just did a bunch of research, which I love doing so it was fun. Bladder stones are caused by a buildup of minerals in the bladder, that crystallizes. The only way for this buildup to happen is by urine not exiting the bladder. As long as urine isn't trapped in the bladder the mineral buildup...
  6. Devynthecatwithsocks

    What's new?

    also can you send me the to that thread? Very curious about that.
  7. Devynthecatwithsocks

    What's new?

    I have never heard that. From all the chin owners I've talked to they all recommend oxbow essentials. I can do some research into it but from my knowledge its the healthiest. I'll let u know if I find anything
  8. Devynthecatwithsocks

    Are soy candles safe for chinchillas?

    I recently received aroma therapy candles and they are made of soy. I know bees wax candles are one of the few that are safe but is soy also good?
  9. Devynthecatwithsocks

    Ferret nation cage is wobbly?!?

    Is it on tile or carpet? If its on tile the wheel stoppers might not be locked. There is a button on the wheels that allow them to lock. If its on carpet then I would see if anything needs tightening.
  10. Devynthecatwithsocks

    Hello chinny lovers!

    I live in Southern California
  11. Devynthecatwithsocks

    ISO: Wilson White, Mosaic or Extreme Mosaic

    I am also intrested but Toriwright has first dibs. If that doesnt work out tho I would love to take her. Where are you located?
  12. Devynthecatwithsocks

    My chin can't eat. I need help!

    I am glad she is feeling better!
  13. Devynthecatwithsocks

    My Troublesome Chin "Fluffy"

    That seems pretty normal chins love to jump and play and explore too. What does his cage look like? This spur of energy may come from the lack of space in his cage
  14. Devynthecatwithsocks

    Greetings all!

    Awwww they are soooooo cute!
  15. Devynthecatwithsocks

    What's new?

    Ahh I see. If in the future you get another look for oxbow essentials and oxbow western timothy hay. If you dont have it in ireland Amazon carries it.
  16. Devynthecatwithsocks

    Fleece Issue

    You can try to handwash it. Cat a 50/50 vinegar water mix and try to get it out. It will soak into the wood but. Why is it stapled? First if your chin got to a staple he could die. Also fleece needs to be washed at least once a week. I would get a envelope style fleece cover (looks like a pillow...
  17. Devynthecatwithsocks


    Honestly i would just put it inside. I know any other materials are at risk for being harmful for them. Most people use granite cuz its nice and cool for the chins to sleep on. Are they potty trained? If not your definatly going to need some fleece in the cage somewhere.
  18. Devynthecatwithsocks

    Rehoming Chinchilla in Arizona

    OH MY GOSH!!! I have a female grey chin but have always wanted a mosaic!! I dont have the money for him tho. I hope he finds a good home! Mine also know come, hop up, high five, spin, and walk on two legs.
  19. Devynthecatwithsocks

    Hello chinny lovers!

    They are soooo cute! If you ever need someone to adopt one of the kits count me in! I rescued my chin as well from a very neglectful home.
  20. Devynthecatwithsocks


    Umm not that I know of. My chin has a high stress tolerance so I havnt noticed any stress with fireworks but to be on the safe side you can stay in the room with urs and see how they are doing with the loud sounds