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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. seachin

    Air filters

    I agree that cheap disposable filters are probably best. Or you can find a washable one that works and put a cheap replaceable filter in front of it to catch the large particles and dispose of those more frequently.
  2. seachin

    Ringworm: Sulphur or Athletes Powder

    To the above I would also just add good air circulation is always important for many reasons including this one (but avoid direct breeze on the chins).
  3. seachin

    Organic Apple Wood twigs for kit?

    Once kits are old enough to want twigs, they're either going to chew on that or some other wood so the apple twigs are fine. :)
  4. seachin

    Female chins bleed after intercourse?

    I agree with above. When you said watery blood my immediate thought was urine. Did you look at the female's genitals to look for signs of injury or dried blood? If you don't see any, then it was urine.
  5. seachin

    Show Cage Water Bottle

    I had the same issue when I was looking to set some up for going to shows. Even though my chins are mostly on Edstrom style valves, I took a shot with glass tips, wire holders (which you can make your own if you have the heavy gauge inch by two wire) and rubber stoppers from Ryerson's website...
  6. seachin

    water question!!!

    With chins, I tend to advocate sticking with what works.
  7. seachin

    What Glue To Use?

    I have also used non-toxic Gorilla wood glue without problems. Very strong and can hold a chin house together without staples or nails.
  8. seachin

    Why is spruce unsafe?

    Yes. In forestry terms, SPF (often seen stamped on wood) means "spruce pine fir" which means the logs came from a mixed forest and most can't tell the difference as far as properties go so the three are lumped together.
  9. seachin

    hello from washington!

    Welcome, fellow Washingtonian!
  10. seachin

    Photoshoot (Image Intensive)

    I think its funny there are like two poops in all those photos total. :rofl: ...excellent pics! I'd send the one of the two nose to nose to next year's calendar contest.
  11. seachin

    Flying Saucer Issue?

    I spoke to Marty. He said the following: "All that is necessary is to back the screws out until only the very tip of the screws are extending through, place the cap on the wheel, the tips will fit into the screw holes in the wheel, then screw them in. The screws are screwed into the caps so...
  12. seachin

    2014 West Coast MCBA Show

    Woo hoo! Exciting! Can't wait for the details :)
  13. seachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Choosing mutation champs: Thinking hard: Picked! La Paloma BVs are GSC and RGSC:
  14. seachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Dark-eared whites: Violets: Part of a huge beige class: **** ebonies: Black velvets:
  15. seachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Margot, Shahna and Gary talking pelts Gary introducing judges Maxine Lynch and Tamara Tucker: Just one I thought was hilarious...Standing poop! Standards:
  16. seachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Sorry, busy week. Here are a few from my seat. I know there were other cameras! Bill, Sean and Nan: Therese, Doug and Gene and Bill: Sumiko, Casey, Jerry, Narcissus, Cara: Sumiko, JoAnne, Casey and Jerry:
  17. seachin

    2nd or 3rd Cut?

    In my experience, chins will eat either but mine do prefer third. But I do balance with wood and wood sticks to increase grinding and have been good for two years so far. But you can switch back and forth like Javachin does. It does seem that third ie becoming less and less readily available...
  18. seachin

    Hand Feeding - When to stop?

    That's great to hear!
  19. seachin

    water question!!!

    RO water is forced under pressure through a semipermeable membrane which allows water and depending on the design, some minerals depending on size. You are correct, generally RO water can only be had through purchase of an expensive filter, then again, a vet bill for giardia or crypto is...