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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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    Red Feet (Again, I know!)

    Tile is a good idea. Swee Swee, my little girl, is a gray. One summer her ears were warm to the touch and veins were dilated. I wrapped a cold pack (hard plastic for picnics) in a towel and put it in the bottom of her cage in the corner,on be top of the tile. She would sit either on the tile or...
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    That is 💥 AMAZING 💥...Can you list all the brand names of the company and products you are using? I agree it's genetics to an extent. But diet and exercise contribute a good deal to your Chin's health. And remember, LOVE is one of the most critical factors in the health and longevity of any...
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    Points, Spurs, and even occlusal surface

    I am so sorry to hear of your losing Bella💔😔.
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    Odd Chin Eating Habit

    As I mentioned earlier, Swee Swee does this a lot.
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    Chinchilla food crumbling

    Swee Swee does the same thing. Picks up a pellet after sniffing all of them. Takes one or two bites and drops it .Then picks up another one and does the same thing. I just leave the crumbles there in her dish til she eats them.
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    One red ear

    Swee Swee does that too. If she were lethargic or stopped eating I'd worry. But she eats fine and is running around behaving normally.
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    Hair matting

    Thank you for your quick response 😊I will hold off on the dust baths for a few days and try to de Matt with a comb. I don't believe it is diet as Mazui is up there with Oxbow Essentials. Although I do give her plain Cheerios as a treat when training. When I pat my shoulder she will jump up and...
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    Hair matting

    I have had the same issues. You describe "SWEE SWEE" to a T.... I have always fed her Mazuri Chinchilla Diet and Oxbow Timothy Hay. She get bottled water purified by osmosis. Her fur is matted and dull. I let her take dust baths 2x a day. I'm thinking of getting her professionally groomed and...
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    Behaviour during playtime

    I find that my chinchilla prefers to have me gently massage or groom her whiskers with my fingers. It almost seems to soothe or reassure her.
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    Chin cage feedback

    I use puppy pads as liners for the trays. Then I take pillowcases and put them over the trays with the liner under it. For the larger trays I get bed sheets from the thrift store and just sew larger pillow cases for those. I line all the trays with puppy pads and put the pillowcases over them...
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    How does his poop look? Is he urinating at all? Ears warm and pinkish?
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    Chinchilla bald patch above eye?

    Continue to flush the abscess with a warm salt solution use q-tips and gauze to absorb pus/blood away from the eye. Clean area with warm salt solution . You can use 3x antibiotic ointment on the affected with your vet they may suggest a different topical. I hope this helps and she's...
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    Giant Chinchillas

    Is it healthy for a Chin to be that heavy?