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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. N

    Grinding teeth and sticking out tongue?

    My chinchillas "lick their lips" a lot, especially after treats like raisins. But I have seen them do it while eating their hay and pellets too. I would watch him and make sure he doesnt show any other signs that he might be in any discomfort. If he seems to be, I would go see a vet to check...
  2. N

    What kind of toys do Chins like?

    I would be careful with the superpet lava stones. I used to buy them until I opened a package and it smelt so strong of paint I could smell it from 3 feet away and for about 10 min in my room. I took that back immediately and never bought them again. It says they use safe paint, but it smelt...
  3. N

    Metals safe for chinnies?

    I want to block off some areas of my room (like under my fishtank) and around the bottom of the chinchilla cages. What kind of metal (metal-like) materials are safe for them??
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    Litterbox issues?

    I need a way to fix this too! they just move toys out of their way. THeir new favorite spot to pee, is in their food area whenever hay drops. Ive had to put plexi-glass to protect the wood shelves so they dont stink. ugh... if only they would use the littler every time.. I would try the pine...
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    Need applewood- credit card

    Who is this Ronda?? I want some applewood! haha
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    Chin with malo... trying to figure out what to do..

    Thank you for the replies everyone. I will be losing my little Greyson next week :( He will be completely spoiled till then :)
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    Chin with malo... trying to figure out what to do..

    Found more pictures from 2011 The first is a closer view of the 2009 xray The next 3 are from 2011.
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    Chin with malo... trying to figure out what to do..

    I have a rescued chinchilla, Greyson, who is around 5-7 years old. I got him back in 2009, and learned he had malocclusion soon afterwards. He has gotten his teeth filed at least 5 times since then. The only problem is that his roots seem to be affecting him. (the image attached is from 2009...