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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. jessonehundred

    chapped feet, picture

    I have a martins cage, i think the biggest one, with 2 chins in it. i have wooden shelves all over it and a fleece tube i just recently got but she doesn't really sit in it. and I haven't really seen any pee on the shelves or anything so I always assumed they mostly took care of business on the...
  2. jessonehundred

    chapped feet, picture

    I know it is common for chin foot pads to have callouses and chappedness because I previously posted about this a long time ago, but I noticed one of my chins feet just seems unusually irritated. It is very red and I was wondering if anyone can tell what the white is in the center..kind of...
  3. jessonehundred

    New pictures :)

    new camera= new chin pics :chin::chin:
  4. jessonehundred

    How to spend time with your chins?

    Thanks for the responses! I was very curious and I'm really surprised but happy with the responses... I felt bad that I had only let them out once a week so I am relieved to know that this isn't something to worry about. They are in my living room during the winter so I get to interact with them...
  5. jessonehundred

    How to spend time with your chins?

    I was just wondering how people generally act on the day-to-day with their chins. I have been very busy lately, and started to worry that I hadn't been showing my chins enough attention. Do you let them out to play literally every day? for how long? do you talk them throughout the day? I guess...
  6. jessonehundred

    my favorite ever chin pictures

    I just wanted to share a couple pictures of my girls, :)
  7. jessonehundred

    Found a dead animal in my chinchilla cage- ?? graphic

    good to know this is more common that i thought! it just really freaked me out. I usually get my hay from a local store that keeps it very fresh and reliable, but they were closed due to the storm, so I had to make a visit to Petco. (nothing against petco I suppose, i just prefer to support...
  8. jessonehundred

    Found a dead animal in my chinchilla cage- ?? graphic

    ty I really appreciate the responses! I have no camera at the moment so I can't provide a picture, but the last time I cleaned the cage was a little over a week ago. I want to assume it is a mouse, because it looks quite decomposed. The only thing that was freaking me out was the coloring, it...
  9. jessonehundred

    Found a dead animal in my chinchilla cage- ?? graphic

    sorry if this is at all disturbing to anybody but I have to explain it for answers :( :( I noticed my chins had been pushing the hay from the shelves and onto the floor over the last week or so. I was cleaning it out and I noticed a clump of what I thought was chinchilla hair on the bottom of...
  10. jessonehundred

    Chinchilla noises- heres a recording- any ideas?

    Could she also be making this noise if her mom is bothering her???
  11. jessonehundred

    Chinchilla noises- heres a recording- any ideas?

    Most definitely had some changes lately that I have already posted about in another discussion so I don't want to keep repeating myself and become redundant haha, but yes. this all makes sense now. Hope she relaxes soon :(
  12. jessonehundred

    Chinchilla noises- heres a recording- any ideas?

    Ive had her for about 2 years now.. She used to only make the noise while sleeping. I did some more research on youtube and most people said it was a noise they make while upset/scared...
  13. jessonehundred

    Chinchilla noises- heres a recording- any ideas?

    while searching youtube i found this link as well, and this chinchilla seems to be doing it while being negatively provoked by its owner.. mine does it while i am not in the room, and the only reason i am concerned is because of the frequency. Became concerned it was something respiratory/lung...
  14. jessonehundred

    Chinchilla noises- heres a recording- any ideas?

    I have a recording of my chinchilla making a very strange noise.. I have searched everywhere and cant figure out what it is. I can only explain it as her coughing. It is a series of about 10-20 coughing noises in a row. She does it quite a few times a day lately- i think because of stress. I...
  15. jessonehundred

    Very confused about my chin.. need help!

    I was assuming they were somewhat affected by the dog, yes, but I noticed most of the odd behavior and scratches a few days before the dog arrived, which is the cause of my confusion. I think the dog is just awful timing, but it will be gone tomorrow. Thank you for your responses so much, I know...
  16. jessonehundred

    Very confused about my chin.. need help!

    I have been talking to another member of CNH that I have boughten wood from, she is very knowledgeable with chins. She mentioned that separating the chins might be the best option, she suggested as did others in another post I made that the mother could be dominant suddenly over the baby. I do...
  17. jessonehundred

    Very confused about my chin.. need help!

    I seem to be having one problem after another. The minute I think I am starting to understand my chins, something else happens to throw me off. My chin is freaked out by a dog in a different room of the apartment--, but before this incident she had about an inch of fur missing on the end of...
  18. jessonehundred

    Chin scared of dog- not eating/drinking

    I live with my boyfriend and my 2 chins. My boyfriend fell into the responsibility of watching over his parents little cairn terrior. The dog hasnt even noticed the chins and hasnt barked or gone near them. ( they have their own little room basically but it is doorless - so i have a sheet that i...
  19. jessonehundred

    Fur missing on TIP of tail

    Thank you very much for the responses. I seriously love this forum and don't know what I would do as a chin owner without it sometimes. Spoof- They are in a very large cage right now, but I do have another cage so I can separate them.. How long is it usually appropriate? Days? Weeks? Should I...
  20. jessonehundred

    Fur missing on TIP of tail

    When I came home today I noticed one of my chins had about half an inch of fur missing from the tip of her tail. I have never held her by the tail or noticed any fur missing on her, and I have never noticed her fighting with her mom who she is caged with.. (but I did notice her mom has chewed...