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  1. Jill of Beans

    Rescue RAILROAD

    Major highways until I get into DE....then I'm a bit concerned - but we'll see.
  2. Jill of Beans

    Rescue RAILROAD

    Snow, Schmow....I've got all wheel drive - and as long as it's not TOO bad - I'm up for it. Sunday is best for me - so I won't have to take a day off of work, but we'll see.... No More Snow! No More Snow! No More Snow! No More Snow! No More Snow!
  3. Jill of Beans

    Who uses the FN 143?

    No - the 143 is ONLY an add on - there's no top to it - you take the top from the 142 and move it. If you want a separate cage you'll need a 141. It was made to "upsize" the 141 into a 2 story cage - just like 142. I had the 142 with a 143 on top and could move it - CAREFULLY - to vacuum...
  4. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    :woohoo: :clap: :bliss: :cheer2: Yay!!
  5. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    Gradual is suggested - as they've had digestive/dietary issues. Everyone north of DC will receive 1lb of Cavy Cuisine with each chin to transition them over. I have it on hold at my local store and will pick it up tonight.
  6. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    I'll be running from DC through MD - meeting to hand of 2 for PA and then it's off to DE!!
  7. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    Let's shoot for Sunday - the earlier the better - I'll be ready and waiting. I can drive back in the dark, just hoping not middle of the night. Need to touch base with Michelle in NJ and see if she'd be okay meeting me and what times we're talking about...
  8. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    If I can get them Sunday - I will head them to DE....
  9. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    I believe that by Saturday Midnight - they have all day Saturday and then after 11:59pm Saturday - the decision will be made.
  10. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    I dont' think anything has been decided just yet.
  11. Jill of Beans

    White mosaic or silver?

    :useless: :needpics:
  12. Jill of Beans

    My chinchillas are going to be on the news! :)

    So you're gonna be on with Dr. Kim????
  13. Jill of Beans

    Rescue RAILROAD

    What do I need to do to properly confirm my part of the route Rick?
  14. Jill of Beans

    Rescue RAILROAD

    This shouldn't be a problem - as long as I have directions/address and phone number we'll make it happen. I will be coming up through DC into Maryland and then to Delaware. I guess if anyone in the MD area is also interested in adopting - they should also get an application to Rick.
  15. Jill of Beans

    Rescue RAILROAD

    I Will, I WILL!! I'm in Annapolis, but DC isn't but 45 minutes away from me - I would be willing to help pick up in DC and could meet you possibly in Delaware. Let me know.....I miss my guys - and would LOVE to help!!! Jill
  16. Jill of Beans

    Best cage for multi chins

    I'm short - and had the FN -3 story with 4 boys. I had a step stool that I used to reach the top level - but I loved my cage.
  17. Jill of Beans

    Myrna went over the rainbrow bridge

    (((HUGS))) I'm so sorry for your loss.
  18. Jill of Beans

    FN cage?

    They were never a problem to my boys...
  19. Jill of Beans

    grooming alot...

    LOL...Monika...I NEEDED a chuckle this morning....I in NO way was implying Snickers was unmanly - he's a sweetheart...I was simply INFORMING Michelle that the boys were all still boys... Monika - when we first got Snickers from you - I had asked about him being neutered...simply because our Gus...
  20. Jill of Beans

    grooming alot...

    Neutering is the removal of the testicles. I just recently had my dog neutered, and they removed his testicles, but left the scrotum in tact - so it's just an "empty pocket" there now.....nothing inside.