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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Spoof


    As mentioned above, chinchillas come in all shapes and sizes and weights. All chinchillas on the pet market are chinchilla lanigera (long tailed chinchillas). You can breed traits into them, like shorter or longer fur, skinnier or thicker tails, blocky bodies, etc. For show we like that thick...
  2. Spoof

    An "expert" told me wheels are bad, and exercise?

    Actually it's due to the number of seizures and deaths combined with the modern junk-filled diet. There are two main issues - the seizing caused by low or volatile blood sugars after a sprint in the young and compromised and those that do it as an anxiety trigger. Wheels are fine for normal...
  3. Spoof

    Why Chinchilla and Hedgehogs??

    Wow, she had a heck of a run. Sorry to hear that. Also thanks for starting the original group 25 years ago. :)
  4. Spoof

    Anyone heard of or used this Chinchilla seller?

    100% Scam, almost all of the photos and references were stolen from Cameron Holmes in the UK, some of the text about the history was stolen from my site. You can report this website to the provider to get it taken down. When I find these I look them up with ICANN...
  5. Spoof

    Chin breading question

    Those are both dominant colors, in theory you will get 50/50 white or gray. It depends on the white line though I've seen some that throw as little as 10% and some that throw 80% whites over 20-30 babies. Ask the breeder about the history and also the genetics, most are happy to teach new people.
  6. Spoof

    Just checking in…

    This person is no longer in business - was shut down years ago. They were also the last pet wholesaler in the U.S. so now all pets supplied come in from overseas like Poland or the Czech Republic where there are no animal husbandry laws. That's why the illness/death rate is so high in pet...
  7. Spoof

    Looking for the best prices on toys and chews!

    I found more photos! These are all 8oz, just different sizes. 8oz apple twiglets. 8oz corkscrew willow sticks 8oz corkscrew willow twigs 8oz weeping willow twigs *this is the lightest wood by far and you can tell by volume. 8oz weeping willow twirlies Hope that helps!
  8. Spoof

    Looking for the best prices on toys and chews!

    If I recall correctly Ronda's photos used to show half a pound, but it's been 3 years since I've been involved, her cousin Xia took over the business when she passed of cancer. It's that expensive because they are hand cut from local orchards around Hermiston Oregon and by the time they are...
  9. Spoof

    Wet Chinchilla but not Teeth Issues

    Same chance a group of humans has. In a herd of ~150 I had four die and around 30 show anything from just slight mouth wetness to this full blown gross I-think-its-teeth but radiographs only showed URI not teeth. The rest showed no signs. The worst part is nothing can treat it, you just have...
  10. Spoof

    Wet Chinchilla but not Teeth Issues

    It wouldn't allow me to attach all of the photos.
  11. Spoof

    Wet Chinchilla but not Teeth Issues

    If they did a full bacterial test and came back with nothing this is one of the forms the URI part of covid takes when it affects chinchillas. It'll range from a little drooling at the corners of the mouth to full blown nasty. The loss of fur on the arms is from cleaning. Please post photos...
  12. Spoof

    Why Chinchilla and Hedgehogs??

    I can't answer about Freddie's chinchilla but there is a 32 year old in Houston. I don't know how old the oldest living one has survived to be but one of the originals captured out of the wild lived to be 22 years old in captivity.
  13. Spoof

    Chinchillas generating electricity

    I messed around with this in college back in the 2000's and had a few prototypes following the hamster powered nightlight instructions. I ran into a couple of issues - chins have a LOT of torque and therefore have the ability to run a much more powerful magnet set than any other animal of that...
  14. Spoof

    new baby kits! advise needed

    You can't overfeed babies however they are very easy to aspirate when hand feeding. You can rotate and feed goats milk every 2 hours around the clock for the next few weeks. Yes it disrupts milk production, mom requires constant stimulation to produce. The worst thing that can happen is you...
  15. Spoof

    Scrubbing, Baking and Boiling

    Here is a study that was done regarding the digestibility of animal based proteins. It is an interesting read. It has been well known that they do fine with small amounts of animal based protein, most often powdered egg or milk was used in breeder feed formulations in the past. Neither of...