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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. M

    Eating Less / Small Poop / GI Stasis / Potential Tumor?

    Hello, I was wondering if she’s still eating? It seems like she has some gas problems. Everything you described my chin had it too And he was very weak, not eating at all and not drinking much water.
  2. M

    Help new member with chinchilla

    Yes, definitely Calvin especially would disagree with you haha! But yes, it’s better to give them something that it’s best for them. It’s quite confusing that those treats are getting sold without the consideration that can be damaging for the chins. Anyway, thank you so much for all the...
  3. M

    Help new member with chinchilla

    Here’s a picture of Chip with the wafer
  4. M

    Help new member with chinchilla

    I see, it makes sense. I’ll stop giving them raisins totally if that’s the case. Is there anything you could recommend me to give them as treats? I buy them seeds bars and some cookies and wafers that have no sugar. Many thanks again for taking your time to send this info.
  5. M

    Help new member with chinchilla

    Hi Amethyst, Thank you so much for your reply, I’ll keep an eye on them about nibbling on the walls and rugs (which Chip does). I mentioned to the vet about giving them raisins and she didn’t object about it, but who knows? Right now, he’s back to normal, with the exception that he peed in his...
  6. M

    Help new member with chinchilla

    Hi Tunes, Thanks a lot for your reply, Chip has slowly getting better. Took him to the vet, they checked his teeth and stomach, x-rayed him and he’s totally fine, was only a bit dehydrated. Now he’s almost back to normal, a bit lethargic but fine. He’s got a treatment with painkillers, a...
  7. M

    Help new member with chinchilla

    Hello everyone, I’m in need of your expertise as I don’t know anyone with chinchillas. I have a 1 and 4 months old chin. His name is Chip, Chip has been a very naughty and adventurous boy, not very sweet but he kinda is in his own way. Saturday evening, I left him out of the cage roaming around...