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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Binki

    Litter Training a Serial Pee-er!

    Chin's natural habitat is full of fist sized rocks, so perhaps channelling her inclination for peeing acrobatics in a food bowl, adding a rock to a similar container may be an option worth trying. My boy was about four when I adopted him (although the vet thinks he is considerably older) and...
  2. Binki

    Clever behaviors

    That's why people often think chins throw poop at them but it is just that when they want attention they jump more forcefully than usual in order to make noise, thus sending the poop flying in all directions. But they would also use dishes or anything in the cage to make a a racket. My first...
  3. Binki

    Avoiding monkey business

    I would appreciate opinions on this. We'd have a chin girl visiting for a few days (with her own cage), which will provide a good opportunity to check whether my boy misses the company of his own species and tries to approach her cage during his playtime. Of course as neither of them is...
  4. Binki

    Hi, nice to meet you

    Congratulations on becoming a chin parent. You have done a smart thing by joining the forum, (something I wish I had done when I got my first one) because no matter how many books one reads, chinchillas are idiosyncratic creatures and sometimes not even exotic vets know enough about them...
  5. Binki

    Spring nettles?

    Ouch! Had not idea about the danger. Many thanks for this. Did a search and calcium oxalate is not only scary but also present in other greens. Good to know where the bad guys hide.
  6. Binki

    Back to the cage strategies

    I have been wondering how members of this forum get their chins back to the cage after playtime. My first boy, who was difficult but very smart just needed to be told 'bed' and in he went. In contrast, my current boy, who is most of the time a total darling, can only be lured in if, at top...
  7. Binki

    Spring nettles?

    To say that my boy favourite treat is nettles is an understatement: he craves them. He is lucky in that we have an 'on the premises' organic' supply. In the sunken garden, next to the stream. there is a patch with soil so stubbornly poor that only nettles grow, so in the end we decided to screen...
  8. Binki

    Goodbye Wicket, Until We Meet Again

    Lovely photos of Wicket, specially the top one: he shows what makes chins so unique and addictive: those big hobbit feet (one cannot possibly call them paws), the shiny eyes and that expression full of mischief. I woudl go as far as saying that they have a sense of humour and a wicked one at...
  9. Binki

    Goodbye Wicket, Until We Meet Again

    Your post is heartbreaking; reminded me when my first chin died and I was looking at the empty cage, unable to put it away because it has his things in it. In the end I decided that the best thing one could do in memory of a chin is giving an unwanted one (usually a boy) a new home. Hope helping...
  10. Binki

    uk water filters?

    Filtering improves the taste of water but the chin is not likely to taste the difference. If you live in an area with highly chlorinated water it may be enough to put the water in a jug for one day to allow the chlorine evaporate. I did that with my first chin but no longer do. My current boy...
  11. Binki

    Alone chinchilla

    Did you try a clicker? Like scratch/clicker/reward? Perhaps that way you can extend the time or frequency of contact with you. I started to use the clicker with Mr Wild after a year of not making much progress and used it only until he began learning things without the clicker (as all chins he...
  12. Binki

    Alone chinchilla

    I think this is very exciting because it means that you have been able to establish a two way communication with him and that, if he learned one thing, he can learn more. And, as I found with my boy, the more they learn the tamer they become. That does not mean one can pet or cuddle them as...
  13. Binki

    Alone chinchilla

    I only take on rescue chins from an animal shelter, which, for some reason, it is usually a male on its own. Wally reminds me a bit of my first boy: he was so wild it took two years for him to show any signs of bonding and an attempt to introduce him to a chin needing rehoming failed miserably...
  14. Binki

    Sick chinchilla

    Hope it is just temporary but just in case: one way to encourage (trick will be more exact) a chin to eat hay is to put a handful in a loop suspended from the cage bars and hide in the middle a thin apple stick or any other treat the chin is allowed to have. I used it with a dyed in the wool...
  15. Binki

    Hi all.

    Congratulations. Wales is a lovely place to settle after a nomadic life. Given that you have been away I thought you may not be aware that now that they are less rare, there are many places in the UK from where you can rescue chins, including a private rescue group in Facebook which is is only...