Aneesa's Muse
She's fallen off the top ledge that runs across the cage.. she's fallen off one of the perches numerous times.. she's also been pushed off by Palay's big, overzealous butt...
...and I'm getting worried. She doesn't always land on the midway "safety hammock" ..yikes! Last night, I was giving rose hips and Palay got a little beside herself and bumped Obsidian off the perch. 'Sid went tumbling down, missing the hammock.. and she had a huge fur slip on her hip. She seemed like it was an owwie for a minute or so, but nothing "felt" broken ..and she didn't respond badly when I palpated her, to check. I think she was just shaken up a bit ..and probably embarrassed. I dunno..
She's fine today, but I'm obviously concerned.
Would it be terrible to house her and Palay in a one story cage from now on? I don't know how old 'Sid is, for sure (she's a rescue) ..and I don't know if her eyesight is failing or if her equilibrium is deteriorating.. or what.
I'd appreciate some advice...
...and I'm getting worried. She doesn't always land on the midway "safety hammock" ..yikes! Last night, I was giving rose hips and Palay got a little beside herself and bumped Obsidian off the perch. 'Sid went tumbling down, missing the hammock.. and she had a huge fur slip on her hip. She seemed like it was an owwie for a minute or so, but nothing "felt" broken ..and she didn't respond badly when I palpated her, to check. I think she was just shaken up a bit ..and probably embarrassed. I dunno..
She's fine today, but I'm obviously concerned.
Would it be terrible to house her and Palay in a one story cage from now on? I don't know how old 'Sid is, for sure (she's a rescue) ..and I don't know if her eyesight is failing or if her equilibrium is deteriorating.. or what.
I'd appreciate some advice...