Obsidian has fallen...

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Aneesa's Muse

She's fallen off the top ledge that runs across the cage.. she's fallen off one of the perches numerous times.. she's also been pushed off by Palay's big, overzealous butt...

...and I'm getting worried. She doesn't always land on the midway "safety hammock" ..yikes! Last night, I was giving rose hips and Palay got a little beside herself and bumped Obsidian off the perch. 'Sid went tumbling down, missing the hammock.. and she had a huge fur slip on her hip. She seemed like it was an owwie for a minute or so, but nothing "felt" broken ..and she didn't respond badly when I palpated her, to check. I think she was just shaken up a bit ..and probably embarrassed. I dunno..

She's fine today, but I'm obviously concerned.

Would it be terrible to house her and Palay in a one story cage from now on? I don't know how old 'Sid is, for sure (she's a rescue) ..and I don't know if her eyesight is failing or if her equilibrium is deteriorating.. or what.

I'd appreciate some advice...

Thanks! :)
Another idea would be to make some new ledges that go all the way across the cage and stagger them like stairs. So she could never fall too far.
If it's terrible, then all my chins are abused. I don't have any cages that aren't one story. Some have ledges in them, but they are all basically the same otherwise.

I would put them in a one level cage and deck it out, just like you would a two level and they will be perfectly happy.
How many inches or feet is she falling? We have the ferret nation with the divider between the first and second floor with the usual little cutout for them to hop through. What do you have? Pics would help.
ETA, aww looking at sweet Phoenix's lil face on your avitar. Still miss him.
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I converted a "cat kennel" for the chicas.. it's appx. 2' deep, 3.5' wide and 4.5' tall. The perches are all 4" wide ...ledges are all 6" wide ..and there's a "safety hammock" through the middle, but it seems like 'Sid can miss that darn huge thing ever'time she tumbles ...so she's either falling a foot or two.. catching another perch on the way down.. or she's making a free fall, which is not good for her bones or my heart! Geesh!

The stairway thing may work, but I think I will call it "safe" and put them in a big one story with lots of fun things, like tunes suggested. It's not like they don't have free run for a few hours a day.. in our Chin'kid proofed bedroom.
Don't worry. One of my boys is a huge klutz, he will jump to a shelf, miss, but grab on his his front legs and kick his back legs until he just gives up. I just ended up making the shelves closer together, that way he can use them close together, but it still allows my other boy to jump high like he wants too.
I had the same problem (I have quality cages). So,I decided to get pans with a cutout and install them in the middle (quality cage made them for me). Day bed with a soft cushion is under the cutout (in case someone falls).I love this setup (nice and safe!) and my chins love it too!!! I'm posting some pics ( it's not a final setup, I will add some toys and a litter pan).

