My New Cage

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
So the boys got a new cage, a QC Mansion. They are so excited. :)

I went to Lowes to grab some supplies and wood today, but I couldn't find Kiln-dried pine. I asked a little old lady working in the lumber section ( :hmm: )if they had any and she swore they did. She walked me up and down looking at the wood itself and the tag, no KD Pine. They had poplar, so I went with that. It was more expensive than the others, but whatever.

I slaved away in the garage cutting and attaching the wood. I finally finished.

The boys went nuts when I brought it in, they are so happy, but already being destructive.

Here are some pictures:

The cage (Don't mind the mess)

Bryson eating his bed

The bed that Bryson is in love with

Bryson Modeling his bed.

Ande not so sure what's going on.

The bottom.

My boys. Ande is getting huge.

Any suggestions on more I can add, please let me know. It's so much bigger than my other cage, so it's still pretty empty.

They have a fleece tube in the top right corner. There is another shelf up top, they can just walk into their tube from that shelf, they don't have any problems.
Most of the pine boards that they have would be kiln dried. I'm sorry that you couldn't find where it indicated that. I wish I was closer, I could have helped out! Poplar is fine...

The cage looks nice! Isn't that a huge cage? I TOLD YOU! :) (And, if you want another one, just let me know...I have one that I would love to just be gone!)

As time goes on you can get more toys and fun things for the cage. Different little perches and ledges are fun for the chins. Maybe another little wooden box bed would be good?

The very saddest thing about that cage... You will notice that they will spend 90% of their time at the very top making the rest of the cage unnecessary. :p (I'm just kidding...)

I'm glad that you got a new cage that the boys like. It makes it possible to just show up with a chin that REALLY needs you. You can't say no if you have the room. (Again, kidding.) Oh, do you want a spare? I am serious. I have another one just like yours that no one will take...with the stand and all. :)
haha where would I keep another cage that big? The thing is as tall as I am, I had to stand on a ladder just to put the shelves on the top.

I REALLY want more chins, but until I get back into my own place, the rents would KILL me!
I know! You don't need more chins...keep two happy, bouncy guys and don't end up like me. :)

Your parents wouldn't kill you. They'd just be mad for a day or two and then let you get away with it. My husband told me once that I couldn't have more chinchillas. That was back when I had four...what good it did him to try to assert any authority. :)

Maybe you could keep a folded up spare in the garage? I don't know. No one wants those cages because they are so big or some other reason. I almost had this one lady ready to take the cage yesterday and then she said she didn't like it because it was too deep.

Around here sometimes the larger cages will be used for strange things. In back my husband is growing tomatoes in a cage because it can accommodate two plants and he doesn't have to stake them to stand up. Plus the cattle can't chew the plants down because they can't get to them. Maybe that's what this other cage will end up doing.
Nice set up and handsome boys! I believe in time it will be filled with hammocks, toys wheel and other cool stuffs for them. But I think maybe add a marble tile as chiller for now? So they can have a cool spot to chill?