RAF Chins
First, I only have a litter of triplets normally once every year to every two years since breeding. This year (past 12mos) I have had 3! Yes 3 litters of triplets born. Two litters to the same mother. Her last litter was two extra dark ebonies and one extra dark ebony white. This litter is two ebony whites (one male, one female) and one standard (will be listed as an ebony carrier). Anyhow, posting pics to get some opinions on the one ebony white (the male, he's the runt). He's weird looking. Not sure what to make of him color wise? I don't have a ton of experience with ebonies so hoping just to get some insight. Their weights are all doing great, the smallest is around 60g (have to take his nighttime weight yet) and the largest is around 80g. The smallest is the gray looking kit with the white tipped tail and the largest is the female black with white tipped tail. The standard is the middle guy. Anyhow, here are the cuties! Mommy's doing an awesome job.