Safe herbs?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2012
Are there any safe herbs and plants for chinchillas? I read on here before that dandelions were safe, so I dehydrated a whole bunch. We'll be getting our plants for our spring garden soon, and I always try to plant things for the animals. I'd like to do an herb garden this year.

Does anyone know what would be safe as daily treats? Not the same herb every day, but rotated.

I was thinking I could do peppermint, oregano, thyme, and basil. We have rose bushes growing and we get dandelions every year. We've also got apple trees for wood, and nothing is ever sprayed with pesticides.
Applewood is really good, and rose hips. I give my chinchillas peppermint sometimes to help with digestion and to encourage eating (mostly Furby) but I'm not so sure about the others. People will chime in Im sure. :))
Jack gets lots of applewood sticks! Mostly he just chews the bark off and discards the rest. I am hoping to be able to give just a small piece each day. I've been using the dehydrated dandelion greens to ease the taste of his antibiotics, just a small leaf after each dose (Maybe 1/2" in length.).

I figure if I'm going to grow a garden, I'll get as much mileage out of it as possible for all the house's occupants.
But yes the ones you listed are safe as well. the key is moderation.

Also, just so you know, when you pick dandelions, you need to make sure the yard has never been sprayed, plants around them have not been sprayed and you don't live to close to the rose.
If you plan to use the roses, you need to make sure they haven't been sprayed as well.
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Thanks! Yep, we don't spray for anything at all. We've got a bit over an acre of land, and the dandelions I pick are usually from a patch in the center of the yard, between two tree lines away from the road. We've been here for 4 years and have never sprayed, and the former owners didn't either to my knowledge. We're pretty close to our landlord and he owns a nursery/greenhouse and we usually find alternate means to spraying for anything since we enjoy our wildlife and plants.
Thanks! Yep, we don't spray for anything at all. We've got a bit over an acre of land, and the dandelions I pick are usually from a patch in the center of the yard, between two tree lines away from the road. We've been here for 4 years and have never sprayed, and the former owners didn't either to my knowledge. We're pretty close to our landlord and he owns a nursery/greenhouse and we usually find alternate means to spraying for anything since we enjoy our wildlife and plants.

As long as they haven't been sprayed, you are good. :) Well, and close to the road or where you park your car due to car exhaust. But you get the point. :)
I had saved this from a chin site and believe it to be a good herb list ~

Safe Botanical Herbs

These should be taken in Moderation, Only a little pinch is all they need. When you start to introduce herbs you need to do it slowly, if you give to much at one time, this my cause them to get soft poops. I give herbs to Moms, some times daily, but other wise, I give only once a week, unless they are need more, for one reason or another.

Herbs should not take the Place of a Vet.

Not all Herbs can be mixed together, if you are just starting out, only use a couple of the common one like, Peppermint, Bee Pollen, Hibiscus flower, Rose hips, Horse Tail.

Bee Pollen
Burdock root
Blessed Thistle
Black Berry leaf
Boldo leaf
Balm of Gildead buds
Chamomile Flower
Corn Silk
Chicory root
Colts Foot Flower
Dandelion leaf
Elecampane root
Eleder Berries
Golden Rod
Hibiscus Flower
Hawthorne leaf
Ladys Matile leaf
Licorice root
Lemon Basil
Lemon Balm
Marshmallow Flower root
Marigold Flower
Meadow Sweet
Mallow Flower
Mountain Ash berry
Nettle leaf
Oat Straw
Olive leaf
Orange Mint
Pink Rosebuds Edible
Purple Basil
Psyllium Seed Husk
Red Clover Blossom
Rosemary leaf
Raspberry leaf
Rowan Berries
Slippery Elm Bark
Sole berry
Strawberry leaf
Sunflower Petals
Sweet Basil
Salad Burnet
Uva Ursi leaf
White Willow Bark


It helpful in removing excess mucous from the lungs and digestive track. For Colic. As an Antispasmodic, and anti-fungal. It can help prevent fermentation and gas in the stomach and bowels. thus Reliving bloating and belching- mild diuretic and can stimulate added production.


Keeps liver and kidney functioning, helps with diarrhea, prevention and helps cure some fugues.


Very high in minerals and vitamins, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium. Trace minerals and Vitamin K. Helps remove toxin and neutralizes acids. Good for anemia, arthritis, gout, stabilizing blood sugar levels. Balancing the pituitary gland and detoxifying blood and kidneys. Soothe ulcers, the liver. Helps with estrogen production. Morning sickness. It has in it a natural Fluoride. Relief from bloating and water retention.

~Bee Pollen-

Protein, Amino Acids, Antibiotics, enzymes, Minerals, fats and hormones, (that are used for the body rejuvenating and building fiction)- A, B-1. B-3, B-5, B-6, B-12, C, D and E. Up to 25 trace elements. 14 essential fatty acids, omega 3, omega 6, 11 active enzymes, rich amounts of Carotenoids, Bio flavonoids, Phytoestrogens, 11 carbohydrates, 28 minerals, 18 amino acids. Boost immunity, slows aging, removes harmful free radicals toxins. Helps with male sterility, female reproduction system.

~Burdock Root-

Treats skin disease, boils, fevers, inflammation, hepatitis, swollen glands, some cancers, and fluid retention. Excellent blood purifier, and for indigestion. Use with (Dandelion Root) for a very effective liver cleanser and stimulator. Clears the bloodstream of toxin.

~Blessed Thistle-

Strengthens the heart, lungs, kidney, especially liver problems. Brain food. Stimulate blood flow, to the mammary gland and to increase the flow of milk for nursing moms.

~Black Berry leaf-

Helps with Diarrhea, sore throats and healing wounds.

~Boldo leaf-

Colds, constipation, digestive disorder. Earaches, Intestinal gas, Liver disorder. Menstrual pain, syphilis, weakness, gout, hepatitis, rheumatism. antiseptic and diuretic which is good for urinary infection and uric acid elimination.

~Chamomile Flower-

Soothes muscles, menstrual cramps, indigestion and digestive problems. Helps you relax, relaxant for tired or frayed nerves. Good for when chinchillas are under stress.


Expectorant, burns, cough, dry chapped skin, fever. Inflammatory, Rheumatism, eczema, psoriasis, insect bites, itching, rashes, skin irritation, sore throat, stomach ulcers. Cleanse the blood. Drain Abscesses, boils and wounds.

~Corn Silk-

Cleanser of the bladder and kidney tissue, cleans toxins and mucus from the urinary track. Lowers blood sugar, gently stimulates bile flow. Aiding in improved digestion, alkalizing. Helps remove inorganic minerals from the body. Gallstones and kidney stones, excellent for eyestities. ( Chinchillas do not have a Gallbladder)

~Colts foot flower-

Treats respiratory problems, soothing to the stomach and intestines.


Helps with colds, flu, fever and upset stomach.

~Dried Cranberry~

Helps with urinary infections, Vitamin C. Prevents adhesion of E.-Coli bacteria to the lining of the bladder and the gut. Inhibiting their ability to colonize and cause infection.

~Dandelion leaf-

Benefits all functions of the liver. Detoxifies poisons that gathers int he liver, spleen, gallbladder. Promotes healthily circulation. Rich source of Potassium and vitamin A. Helps with digestion. *Use in Moderation*

~Elecampane Root-

Stimulate the appetite, helps with indigestion and colds.

~Eleder Berries-

Mixed with mint is excellent with internal cleaner when fighting the flu and colds.


Promotes milk in nursing moms. Reduces fever. High in Iron. Treats bronchitis, cough, respiratory problems, sinus conditions.

~Golden Rod-

Use for, Always sick-ness due to poor digestion.


Contains Potassium, ,, and Manganese. Promotes bone and cartilage formation, silica and calcium, used to strengthen hair, skin and nails.

~Hibiscus Flower-

Vitamin C, Give after birth of having kits, helps keep colds away and soothes colds. Helps relax the uterus, lowers blood pressure, calms the nerves.

~Hawthorne leaf-

For heart conditions.


Minerals and trace elements.


treating lungs ailments. *Do not use if Pregnant*

~Ladys Matile leaf-

Astringent tonic for the females reproductive organs.

~Licorice Root-

Helps with constipation. Supplies needed energy to the system. Remedy for stomach and heart problems. Indigestion, respiratory ailments. The two major constituents of licorice, Glyceride, Flavonoids. *Don't over do it with this herb* my cause wet poops.

~Lemon Balm-

Reduces fever. Calms the digestive tract. Treats colds.

~Marshmallow Flower Root-

Aids in expectoration of difficult mucous and phlegm. Helps to relax and soothe bronchial tubes. Anti-irritant and Anti-inflammatory for joints and the digestive system. Boost the immune. Has a natural calming affect, can be great for stress or shock, and for females after delivery, as it soothes inflamed tissue.

~Marigold Flower-

Heart and circulation, good for Urine detox. Aids in digestion. Promotes skin healing. As Antiseptic, chapped lips, skin inflammation, Relieves headache, earaches and reduces fever.

~Meadow Sweet-

Helps with diarrhea, cleans bowels, soothes stomach, bladder. Inflammations, arthritis, common colds, sprains. Gastritis, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome. Joint pain, peptic ulcer, rheumatism, tendinitis and toothaches.


Gout, PMS, rheumatism and ending diarrhea. Liver. Very high source of digestible iron, also treats anemia, fatigue, edema, menstrual difficulties. Supportive during pregnancy, helps milk come in for nursing moms.

~Oat Straw-

Supportive to the nervous systems. Builds healthily bones, skin, nails, helps with stress. Chemical constituents of Saponins, Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Calcium, Steroids, Iron, Vitamin B, Lysine, Methionins.

~Olive Leaf~

Natural Antibiotic, which contain anti-fugal and anti-viral properties, combating many strains of colds and flus. As will an prevention of viral or bacterial Pneumonia. Supports cardiovascular. Reduces inflammation. Helps with immune dysfunction.


treatment for colds, flus and fever. Teas are used for clearing the lungs and bronchial passages. *(Should not ingest large amounts when Pregnant)


Cleans and strengthens the body. Sedative on the stomach and strengthens the bowels. Increases the saliva, which increases swallowing, making it possible to improve appetite. Warms the entire system.


Teas used to treat congestion caused by flu and colds.


Clears mucous form the body and to neutralize poisons. Tea, treats lung problems, diarrhea and bladder infections.

~Psyllium seed husk~

Relives Constipation, keeps the digestive track- gelatinous that keeps the feces hydrated and soft. Also stimulates a reflex contraction of the walls of the bowel, causing waste to be excreted from the body. *(Take with Plenty of Water).

~Red Clover Blossom~

Used as a nerve tonic and s sedative for exhaustion, used for cough, bronchitis and Wheezing, Acne. Helps with milk come for moms. Blood purifier. May help prevent some cancers.

~Rosemary leaf~

Stimulant for the circulatory system.

~Raspberry leaf~

It strengthens the uterine wall during pregnancy. Reduces the pain of child birth. Decrease uterine swelling. This should only be give in the last weeks of Pregnancy, and a couple of day after,. If even to early in pregnancy may cause cramping and contractions.


Great source of Vitamin C, Very nourishing to the skin, used as blood purifier and for the treatment of infections, colds and flu.

~Slippery Elm Bark~

Neutralize stomach acid, boost adrenal gland. Draws out impurities and heals all parts of the body. Useful for the respiratory system. Keeps with Diarrhea. Aids in digestive discomfort. (externally- healer for burns, skin cancer, poison ivy, wounds)


Helps colic, aids in during colds, flu and gas.


Treat insomnia and hyperactivity. It stimulates appetite and aids in digestion.


Powerful antiseptic, helps with anemia, bronchial ailments and intestinal problems. Destroys fungal infections, helps colic, sore throats and colds. Vapors are used to treat respirator infection.

~White Willow bark~

Compounds which are similar to structure to Aspirin. Pain Reliever. Fever reducer and anti-inflammatory.

~Uva Ursi leaf~

Also called Bearberry leaf. Strengthens and tones the urinary tract. Especially useful for Kidney infections, bladder infections and inflammatory disease of the Urinary tract. To prevent infections of the womb after childbirth. *(Should Not be used when Pregnant)


Anti-inflammatory. Breaks up inorganic mineral obstructions and deposits, helps with arthritic and joint pain.

> The information on this page is, what I have learned from Homeopath and Natural Medicines, Internet and and the link below.
dont overdo the oregano. when i make my herbal mix, i only use a 1/8 of the amount of do of the other herbs. i have never done tyme or basil. i do peppermint in small amounts as well as it is very strong in scent and flavor.
my guys love red clover leaf, rasberry leaf, chamomile flower, rose petals, dandelion leaf, nettle leaf, hibiscus flowers.

all in moderation. i mix all my herbs and flowers with some old fashioned oats and a timothy/alfalfa hay blend ( i use the hay dust at bottom) and they all get a pinch each night. that way they get a mix and only a small amount.
I like the idea of mixing the herbs with old fashioned oats to thin them out. I think that's what I'll do, along with some timothy hay clippings, or small amounts of some other hays. Thanks!