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Jun 9, 2011
maumee ohio
hey guys i just got my two chins today they are bothe female standard grey and i just wanted to know if anybody had any tips just got them in their cage and they love it>:wink2::wink2:their names are shimmer and pebble
You can learn a lot by reading some existing threads. Check out the classifieds too for stuff that members offer here to spoil your chins. Dried rosehips, goji berries, non-flavored shredded wheat (people cereal), dried rosebuds, are just a few examples of healthy treats. Grats on your new additions and welcome to the boards!
Welcome!! Here's a link to the master list of FAQ's.

Additionally you can do a search in each forum for specific topics. If you can't find the answer to your question then start a new thread in the appropriate section :)

The most important 'treats' you can give your chins are plenty of wood toys to chew on. Welcome to the forum, glad you found us!
also the previous owner said they were both standard greys but i think their whites ans the prev. owner said the baby one is PROBABLY a female
congrats! pictures when available! yea under 6 months are not soo good for treats. Ive actually waited until 8 months. Bam bam is only 6 months, so occassionally I will give him maybe like an oat, but majority hes getting twigs. Its pretty tempting but since I did the same to Tum Tum I feel its fair. ehheeh
Do not let them be together unless you are 100% positive they are the same sex. If one got pregnant this young there would be serious complications; it could even kill her.