Chinchilla noises- heres a recording- any ideas?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
I have a recording of my chinchilla making a very strange noise.. I have searched everywhere and cant figure out what it is. I can only explain it as her coughing. It is a series of about 10-20 coughing noises in a row. She does it quite a few times a day lately- i think because of stress.

I know that chins squeal and bark, I have heard both of my chins doing that, and I have listened to the noises on the popular chin sound website as well.... :hmm:

I am having trouble posting the video in the post, so i have uploaded it to youtube and here is the link

thanks for any input!!
while searching youtube i found this link as well, and this chinchilla seems to be doing it while being negatively provoked by its owner.. mine does it while i am not in the room, and the only reason i am concerned is because of the frequency. Became concerned it was something respiratory/lung related..
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your chin sounds like it's barking.

your chin is new to your house, eh? give her more time to settle in, she may stop the barking once she realizes she's in a safe place where nobody is going to hurt her. or she could just be one of those vocal chins, lol.
Ive had her for about 2 years now.. She used to only make the noise while sleeping. I did some more research on youtube and most people said it was a noise they make while upset/scared...
That's definitely a barking noise. Have you moved her cage recently or anything new in her surroundings? Every now and then one of my boys will bark out of the blue and when I go to inspect their area and find nothing wrong he stops. A few minutes later he starts up again. This lasts maybe a day or two.
Most definitely had some changes lately that I have already posted about in another discussion so I don't want to keep repeating myself and become redundant haha, but yes. this all makes sense now. Hope she relaxes soon :(
It could just be a sound that is upsetting her I know my girls will bark every once in a while when I am cleaning or making noise during their sleep time.
I just skimmed your other posts. If, in your chins mind, the dogs in the other apartments are still abnormal to her then that would definitely be a reason for her to bark, as it's an unexpected sound. Also, did you end up separating your two chins? If so, that would be another reason for her to bark for a bit, as she would be upset with the new living arrangement. Usually they just need reassurance that "it's okay" and then they settle down.

Some reasons that my guys have barked:
-refrigeration trucks anywhere near my apartment (Series of 10 barks until it's gone)
-if I forget to turn on the night-light for them (Series of 5 barks until I move)
-if I hit snooze one too many times in the morning (3 barks from each chin. Sometimes a spokes-chin is nominated.)
-my neighbor opens her door at an odd hour (5 barks)
-they're out playing and want me on their level (2 quick barks)
-they're out playing and want to go back home but the door's shut (2 quick barks and a grumble)
-they're jealous that the other two are playing and they're not (2 quick barks)

Hope that helps a bit. :)
She is barking. Chinchillas have excellent hearing she could be hearing something you can't like a cat outside or something. Nothing to worry about
Chinchillas have excellent hearing she could be hearing something you can't

from my reading, chins hearing is about the same as ours. can't recall where i saw it, but i remember reading about how they do tests on chin ears because they are so similar to human ears.

the reason they may bark at a noise is because they have no idea what the noise is. we know what a car door slamming sounds like, but to a chin all they hear is a loud strange noise.