Chinchilla first aid kit

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Staff member
Jan 28, 2009
South Dakota
When raising chinchillas you just never know when something will happen, anywhere from minor to major so a first aid kit is a necessity. This way you are ready and prepared and not having to scram about the house to hunt for the things you need at a time of distress. There are a lot of post on this subject so make sure to search for those as well, but in the meantime here is a idea of thing you might need.

Emergency phone #'s - have your vet's office and pager and some even give out home numbers on hand

Sterile Droppers or Syringes - for giving medicine orally or to the eye, and hand feeding

Critical Care – a nourishment product replacement for chins that are not eating

Tinactin, Desenex Foot Powder - used in dust-baths as preventative treatment for ringworm and also to help in curing ringworms

Corn Starch, Flour - helps stop bleeding from nipped nails

Fruit Flavored Tums, cuttle bone, or Calf Manna - for extra calcium in pregnant or nursing moms or for chins with bone injuries (also controversial-due to an over amount of calcium can cause problems)

Kaolin Pectin – psyllium products are good for mild diarrhea, but best to find out what is causing diarrhea, best to ask vet the amount to be given - WARNING: Kaopectate & Pepto Bismol that contains salicylates should NOT be given to chinchillas (These OTC medications recently went thru a formula change and now contain salicylates)! Kaolin pectin for use in animals, manufactured by Durvet, contains only kaolin, pectin, flavors, and coloring for pallatability.

Antibiotic cream (e.g. Neosporin) - topical anti-bacterial cream good for wounds, nicks, and scratches. Wound must be thoroughly cleaned before applying Neosporin as it will seal the germs in if you don't.

Neosporin powder - to help stop bleeding and promote granulation of cuts, nicks and wounds. Same as above.

Pedialyte, Gatorade – good to replace fluids and electrolytes lost after diarrhea, shock, or after suffering from heat stress

Glyoxide, Hexadene solution, or Saline - for cleaning wounds prior to dressing

Towels - for wrapping up a chin to administer meds or to place over bedding during close monitoring period

Small pair of scissors

Cotton Swab, Q-tip

Sterile pads and bandages

Gauze wrap


Unscented Wet Wipes - to clean soiled fur

Marble Slab or Tile - for cooling down chins in case air conditioning goes out

Canned Goat's Milk - for supplementing kits, or more importantly, as a replacement in case the mother dies

Heating Pad – for keeping sick chins and kits warm

Carrying case-for trips to vet

Marker-to mark water lines on bottles to make sure chins are drinking

Hard, frozen ice pack-for warm weather

Socks or homemade bags-to put ice pack in

Fruit vinegar-to stimulate appetite in sick chins

1% hydrocortisone cream-to relieve itching and irritation

Infant nasal bulb syringe

Infant medicine dropper

Rectal thermometer

Vet wrap (2")

Blu-Kote, Lamisil AT cream – treating ringworms

A variety of syringes

Clean pillowcases, fleece blanket

Gram Scale

BeneBac or Probiotics


Latex gloves

Waterproof pad (for your lap)

100 % Cranberry, Apple Juice – For mother chins to help the milk to come in (I purchase the small individual bottles in the baby food isle just to have a few on hand in my kit, for the juice doesn’t stick around long in my fridge and I can always pick up more once I know I need it)

Dry Baby Cereal – I like to add to kits milk when hand feeding, thickens up just a bit for easier intake

Karo Syrup – to add just a bit to kits milk as well

Simethicone Drops - to help relieve bloat and gas

Pen and Paper – to write important info down, such as temp records that need to be kept for vet or important info from vet
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