Thinking about getting a chin

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Charged By Chins.
Jun 13, 2011
New York, NY

I have recently taken an interest in getting a chinchilla.
I have done my research and I know that a chin requires a lot of patience, attention, and responsibility.
I do have a few questions, though.

I know that chins are crepuscular. For a normal chin, what time does he or she usually go to sleep and during what hours is he or she awake?

I have read a lot of things and think it is best to let the chin have free time in a chin-proofed room at around 6 or 7pm. Is this okay?

Also, when you get your first chinchilla, how do you go about getting the chin to be more trusting of you and less afraid? I have heard that sitting next to the cage, talking quietly to the chin, and feeding him or her a small treat is good.

And how do you give the chin its first dust bath if they won't come out of their cage? Do you just put the dust bath in the cage for them?

Would it be a bad idea to put the chin in my bedroom?
And if during the night the chin starts making noises, what do you do because I know they are most active during the night?

And how can I convince my parents to let me get a chinchilla?

Sorry for all of the questions!
How old are you? If you are pre-college age, make sure your parents are totally on board. They will likely have to care for the chin once you go off to college unless you get a pet-friendly apartment.

As far as their times of most activity, my three seem to be active around 12pm, 7pm and 2am. They also wake up and get active when I put new toys/wood in their cage. I keep them in the basement because that's the coolest area in my house (which has central will need air conditioning if you plan to own a chin). I wouldn't keep them in my bedroom because I'm a light sleeper and I think they'd keep me awake...but you could try it and see how it goes. I don't think there's any real way to make them be quiet.

If your chin is younger than six months, do not give playtime, treats or a wheel. Over six months (some say a year) those things are fine. Babies need all their energy/calories to grow. Also, chins in general do not need a lot of treats...make sure which foods/treats are healthy. I give mine rosehips and they love them :). One a day at the maximum.

You can put the dustbath container in the cage for the duration of the bath, but remove it afterwards. He/she will instinctually want to bathe in the dust. I recommend Blue Sparkle or Blue Cloud dust. I order mine from Ryerson's Chinchilla Ranch.

As far as trust goes, it's best to sit by the cage and talk softly to your chin. Let him/her come onto your hand with due of my chins was a lovebug from day one, and another one still does not like being handled. Chins have their own personalities, just like people. I would actually recommend adopting an adult because they are over the moody "teen" stage and their personality is generally established.

Good luck, if you have any more questions please feel free to ask :)
I know that chins are crepuscular. For a normal chin, what time does he or she usually go to sleep and during what hours is he or she awake?

I have read a lot of things and think it is best to let the chin have free time in a chin-proofed room at around 6 or 7pm. Is this okay?

Their most busy awake hours are dawn and dusk. Yes, that's a fine time to do playtime.

Also, when you get your first chinchilla, how do you go about getting the chin to be more trusting of you and less afraid? I have heard that sitting next to the cage, talking quietly to the chin, and feeding him or her a small treat is good.

Patience. Sitting next to the cage and talking/reading aloud is a good idea. Giving a small chinchilla-safe treat is nice, IF the chin is over 6 mo old. (Rosehip, old fashioned (not instant) oat, etc.)

And how do you give the chin its first dust bath if they won't come out of their cage? Do you just put the dust bath in the cage for them?


Would it be a bad idea to put the chin in my bedroom?
And if during the night the chin starts making noises, what do you do because I know they are most active during the night?

If you can tolerate the night noises, the bedroom isn't a bad place. It isn't IF the chin starts making noise...they will make noise. If not vocally, you'll hear them jumping and running on their wheel, etc.

And how can I convince my parents to let me get a chinchilla?

This is a tough one for me to answer. How old are you?
Many chinchillas end up in rescues because the parents let a child get a chinchilla, then they got bored with it, or the child went away to college and couldn't/didn't want to take it with them.

If you're having to convince your parents, I'd say that this isn't the right choice for you. The parents need to be fully on board, understanding that THEY are the ones ultimately responsible for the animal, it's care, expenses, etc.
Thanks to both of you!

I think my parents are on board, they just need to see that I am responsible and that for the years that I am here, I will care for the chin and make him or her my responsibility.

Would you recommend a boy or girl? I really don't have a preference.

Also, would you say an adult would be best to get because they are calmer? What age?

And, if possible, would anyone be willing to make me a care schedule?
A schedule with times of when to change water, food, give treats, let out for play time, etc.?


And at what age can a chinchilla start being let out of his or her cage for supervised playtime in a chin-proofed room?

I know that chins are crepuscular. For a normal chin, what time does he or she usually go to sleep and during what hours is he or she awake?

iv heard some chins adapt to a day time animal, but all 5 of mine are nocturnal. Generaly starting to wake up around 5.30pm; 4.30(when clocks are switched) And go to sleepo some tiem in the morning. But they can wake up early or sleep in just like all of us.

I have read a lot of things and think it is best to let the chin have free time in a chin-proofed room at around 6 or 7pm. Is this okay?

depends on your ****** sleep schudel. I wouldnt wake them up to let them out or anything. Let them wake up on their own and be awake for a while before doing that. (you dont generaly wake up and imeditly sprint a mile do ya)

And how do you give the chin its first dust bath if they won't come out of their cage? Do you just put the dust bath in the cage for them?

Depends on your style. SOme give it to them out of the cage. Personaly i give mine their dust in the cage after takeing their food out to make sure it dont get coated in dust. And put it back in after their done.

And how can I convince my parents to let me get a chinchilla?

If your to young to get a chin on your own, then a chin is probably not the right pet for you. If your older and still ilving with a parent, then jsut tlak to them. If its goign to take a lot of bickering, agruing or massive convincing, then again, a chin is probably not the right pet for you. They can live 10-15 years so getting a chin is not for the short haul.
Thank you for the advice.

Would you suggest getting a baby or an adult?

I know that adults tend to be more calm and trusting. But it would be nice to have a chin that only I have had.
I think my parents are on board, they just need to see that I am responsible and that for the years that I am here, I will care for the chin and make him or her my responsibility.

What will happen when you go to college? Are your parents on board financially? Will it be you or them in charge of vet care if needed?

Would you recommend a boy or girl? I really don't have a preference.
Either. Females may spray, and males you would need to do hair ring checks.

Also, would you say an adult would be best to get because they are calmer? What age?
There are so many adults that need homes, that would be an awesome route to go, plus you can get into playtime and such as soon as they're comfortable with you.
Kits are not to have wheels or playtime or treats until they are at least 6 months of age.

And, if possible, would anyone be willing to make me a care schedule?
A schedule with times of when to change water, food, give treats, let out for play time, etc.?

This is something everyone does different. Reading through the FAQs I posted in your intro will answer many of these questions.
Okay thanks.
I would like a baby as they might be "cuter"

But I think an adult will be better since I am going off to college in a few years and since it will become adapted to its surroundings better and will be calmer with me.

Thank you for all your help.
Any other suggestions on getting started with a chin?
Also, are there any chin owners who wouldn't mind getting in touch with me?

I would love to be able to talk with someone who owns a chinchilla and get advice, guidance, etc.
I would recommend asking questions in open forum. That way you get a range of responses. In private, if someone provides advice that isn't the best out there, you'll never know it. Whereas in the public venue if there is a better way to do something, someone else will come along and share their thoughts too.

Or visit the chat room when there are lots of people in there.
Okay thanks.
I would like a baby as they might be "cuter"

But I think an adult will be better since I am going off to college in a few years and since it will become adapted to its surroundings better and will be calmer with me.

Thank you for all your help.
Any other suggestions on getting started with a chin?

The "cute little fuzzy baby" stage lasts a couple months at the most. You shouldn't let that be a part of your decision making.

Again, how old are you? Are your parents going to keep the chinchilla when you go away to college?
I just talked with my parents. They said that for the next few years before I go to college, the chin will be my responsibility.
They said that when I do go away, they will care for it.

Sorry about the spam...

What snacks or treats are good for chins?
I've heard raisins but then I've heard that anything sweet or fruit is not good.
Lots of people say they use rosehips. What exactly are rosehips?
Rebecca - You've been asked several times how old you are. Is there any reason that you won't answer? Laura is asking for a reason. We do have an age requirement for this forum.

If you're a young person who hasn't started dating, band, etc. then a chin may not be the best choice for you at this point. Getting a pet and then ignoring it after the honeymoon period is over is not fair to the pet. Five minutes ago you were asking "how can I convince my parents to let me get a chin?" and now you're saying they are on board and willing to take care of it after you leave for college. Which is it?
actually tunes in a previous thread she said "she THINKS her parents are on board.

chins are charming little critters but they need and deserve attention and to be cared for. if you are not ready to make a 8 - 20 year committment than perhaps a chin is not the ideal pet for you at this time.
No I will answer - I'm 14. I've said it before. At least I thought I did.

I will show you the email from my dad if you want. He said he is fine with me getting one as long as I am responsible for her and as long as I take care of her.
He has done research and knows that they can live for up to 20 years.
He said when the time comes for me to go to college, he and my mother will care for it. And maybe I can get an animal friendly apartment if necessary.
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Michelle - In this thread she said she just talked to them and everything is hunky dory.

Rebecca - I'm going to say this again, and if you want to stay a part of this forum you will listen to me - Stop spamming and settle down. I just got emails forwarded to me where you are asking people the EXACT SAME THING you are asking in this thread via pm. You need to stop. People are answering your questions right here, right now. It was already explained to you why you should ask your questions in open forum - please take that advice.
I have had pets before. I am not mean. I love animals and fight animal cruelty.
I know that caring for a pet for a little bit and then abandoning it is inexcuseable. I will take good care of my chinchilla. Just because I am young doesn't mean I am not responsible.