Anybody need a Water Buddy?

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My babies Rock!
Jan 31, 2009
Western NY aka: Our Zoo. (We only lack a bird.)
I've come across a rabbit supply store (online) that has a few Edstrom "Water Buddy" 8 oz valve water bottles left. These are the only water bottles I've ever seen that don't leak. But, they're PVC plastic, so they can't go through the dish washer, and occasionally a really determined chin can chew into one if it doesn't have a guard. I recommend them every time somebody brings up water bottles; my chins just LOVE theirs, and two of them had never seen a valve bottle until they day I brought them home. They picked up how to use it in a matter of hours.

She also has Nivek valve bottles reasonably priced, sizes: 5.5 oz & 12.5 oz. These are made of the same kind of plastic as the Water Buddy, so they aren't dishwasher safe either, and could be chewed. I haven't personally used one of these (yet), but since it's a very similar mechanism, I wouldn't anticipate leaks.

The supplier only charges actual shipping rates, and she seemed pretty willing to work with me on shipping carriers, etc. She says she has 10 Water Buddies priced @ $9.75 each (hanging springs sold separately), but I was thinking that if I could get together with a couple other people who wanted them, we might get a better price, or could at least save on shipping. The Nivek bottles start at $4.50 for the 5.5 oz and $5.00 for the 12 oz. Springs come in 4" and 6" sizes, and are about a $1.00 each (lower prices available for quantities). Compared to the prices and shipping at, though, it's gonna be a better choice, especially if you only need one or two bottles and a hanger spring like I do.

If anybody's interested in a group order, please PM me with your name, mailing address, and what you'd like.
Anita Bigger-Basement
The Spoiled Chinnies
123 Alfalfa Dr.
Timothy, PA 24467
2 Water Buddies, 2 4" hanging springs )

Once I place the primary order, I'll PM you with an individual total and my Paypal address.
Group order is now closed. The supplier will probably get back to me tomorrow once they're back from an ARBA show. I'll send the total for your individual items plus your part of the shipping by PM Tuesday night at the latest, so keep an eye on your in boxes.
The supplier is packing our items and will get back to me with a total tonight or tomorrow. I've told her to use UPS/FedEx if the rates are close to the Postal Service rate so there will be a tracking number for the order. I'll PM individually with totals after work tonight.
Well, that took longer than I thought. Sorry for the delay. Individual totals are sent. Please let me know which shipping option you'd prefer.

Forgot to include in the PMs that I plan to include delivery confirmation on all parcels sent from NY at my expense. I'm also willing to insure if you like.

Questions? Want our Tracking Number? PM me. :)
(creepy kid voice) They're heeeeeere... :)

The box apparently got dropped in a puddle, but everything made it okay. I'm washing them all before I package everything, since they were stored in a barn/shed before they were shipped, and then everything got wet. :(

Does anyone mind a Water Buddy w/ the price written on the lid in marker? I'm trying to get it off w/out damage, but if it's not a big deal, I can just as easily leave it alone. It's certainly not going to keep the thing from working right, more an aesthetics issue if anything.

I'm glad they're ok and I wouldn't mind at all if the price is written on it (as long as it's on the outside of it so it doesn't hold marker infested water, heh).