I have to back Dawn up on this one. There has been an awful lot of "vets don't know what they are talking about" lately, which is true in some cases, but not in all. There ARE good vets out there, it takes the owner being willing to interview them and give them a trial run to know. It also takes a vet willing to research into proper treatment of chinchillas.
When someone posts something their vet says to do, i.e., pump their chin full of steroids, we are of course free to debate that because we know from our own experiences that it's not safe. We also need to realize though, that in a case like this with hunchback (which is, IMO, always a big deal) that a vet needs to be consulted to find out what is going on.
Yes, there are many things I will treat here at home. I am not one to run to the vet because my chin got a toe gnawed on or for an eye infection. I also don't run to the vet for every cut and scrape, and I've lanced pus filled abscesses here at home, cleaned them out, and administered antibiotics. I've also done that on dogs, cats, and rats that I've owned for a ton of years. But when it comes to lab work, sutures, surgeries, or ANY questionable thing that I can't feel completely comfortable in what I'm working with, we go to the vet.
We might all just step back and think a bit before we post. If newbies keep seeing "you don't need a vet" then they may decide that they don't EVER need a vet.