I posted this over on Hedgehog World a while ago, and since this place could use a little 'padding out' I thought it might be helpful as a reference over here.
HTML format food list (view in your browser, if you're not sure just click this)
XLS format food list/spreadsheet (view and edit in MS Excel)
ODS format food list/spreadsheet (view and edit in the free OpenOffice)
About a year ago, when I first started seriously thinking about getting a hedgie, I started putting together a spreadsheet of different dry cat foods that I might feed it, based on what I'd read online. Now that I actually have one, I filled it out a bit more, and thought it might be handy for other owners or owners-to-be.
For each variety of cat food on this list, I listed the minimum protein, minimum fat, and maximum fiber, as well as the first four ingredients. I also included pricing information, and a simple cost per pound calculator. I've only included pricing information for PetSmart, PetCo, and Wal-Mart because those are probably the most common and widely-available pet food stores in the US. However, you could easily plug in pricing information for your area, and add other foods of your choice.
Obviously I'm not going to list every single dry cat food out there, so I set out some rules on what made the list, based on what I've read to look for in cat foods. First off, to be included a cat food had to have less than 15% fat. Additionally, the first ingredient could not be corn or an animal by-product, and if the first ingredient is a grain the second ingredient could not be a by-product either. (That last part is known as the 'Science Diet Rule'.) Some of the foods on this list really ain't all that wonderful. A couple of them are probably too high in protein to be fed by themselves, and I'd stay away from byproducts altogether, first ingredient or not. Still, to the best of my understanding of hedgehog nutritional needs, I think all them should be serviceable, at least in a mix.
A few thoughts:
First off, I'm just a new hedgehog owner, and certainly not an expert in hedgehog nutrition. Consult your veterinarian and breeder on what to feed your hedgie, and read articles on feeding such as the ones on Hedgehog World and the FAQ section of this site. If you're not sure if an ingredient is ok for a hedgehog or not (or only ok in small amounts), do some searching on the forum, or ask!
Pet food makers change their formulations from time to time, and obviously prices vary, so eventually this list will get a bit outdated. (Though I or someone else may update it from time to time.) Remember to double-check what you're thinking about choosing. Of course, you're free to update it with information on what's available in your area. If you don't have anything to edit spreadsheets with, grab the ODS file and a copy of OpenOffice, linked above and available for PC, Mac, and Linux. If you don't know how to edit spreadsheets, ask and someone can probably provide a few pointers.
I was mildly surprised that Eukanuba and Science Diet didn't make the list at all, and Iams just barely squeaked in. By-products, by-products, and more nasty by-products.
If cost is a concern, Authority (PetSmart store brand) doesn't look too shabby. Not top-end, but I'll probably make this at least part of my mix.
Possibly an even better deal is Chicken Soup For The Cat Lover's Soul. I've found two local pet stores that carry this, and a 6lb bag is only $11! Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that any of the nationwide chains carry it, so I left that price off my list. Check what you can get it for locally.
Another surprise was that a few of the super-premium varieties are unusually low in protein. You could almost use them as the lean/filler part of your mix!
Nutro has far too many varietes to sort through.
Anyway, here's hoping this list will help someone else out. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them!
HTML format food list (view in your browser, if you're not sure just click this)
XLS format food list/spreadsheet (view and edit in MS Excel)
ODS format food list/spreadsheet (view and edit in the free OpenOffice)
About a year ago, when I first started seriously thinking about getting a hedgie, I started putting together a spreadsheet of different dry cat foods that I might feed it, based on what I'd read online. Now that I actually have one, I filled it out a bit more, and thought it might be handy for other owners or owners-to-be.
For each variety of cat food on this list, I listed the minimum protein, minimum fat, and maximum fiber, as well as the first four ingredients. I also included pricing information, and a simple cost per pound calculator. I've only included pricing information for PetSmart, PetCo, and Wal-Mart because those are probably the most common and widely-available pet food stores in the US. However, you could easily plug in pricing information for your area, and add other foods of your choice.
Obviously I'm not going to list every single dry cat food out there, so I set out some rules on what made the list, based on what I've read to look for in cat foods. First off, to be included a cat food had to have less than 15% fat. Additionally, the first ingredient could not be corn or an animal by-product, and if the first ingredient is a grain the second ingredient could not be a by-product either. (That last part is known as the 'Science Diet Rule'.) Some of the foods on this list really ain't all that wonderful. A couple of them are probably too high in protein to be fed by themselves, and I'd stay away from byproducts altogether, first ingredient or not. Still, to the best of my understanding of hedgehog nutritional needs, I think all them should be serviceable, at least in a mix.
A few thoughts:
First off, I'm just a new hedgehog owner, and certainly not an expert in hedgehog nutrition. Consult your veterinarian and breeder on what to feed your hedgie, and read articles on feeding such as the ones on Hedgehog World and the FAQ section of this site. If you're not sure if an ingredient is ok for a hedgehog or not (or only ok in small amounts), do some searching on the forum, or ask!
Pet food makers change their formulations from time to time, and obviously prices vary, so eventually this list will get a bit outdated. (Though I or someone else may update it from time to time.) Remember to double-check what you're thinking about choosing. Of course, you're free to update it with information on what's available in your area. If you don't have anything to edit spreadsheets with, grab the ODS file and a copy of OpenOffice, linked above and available for PC, Mac, and Linux. If you don't know how to edit spreadsheets, ask and someone can probably provide a few pointers.
I was mildly surprised that Eukanuba and Science Diet didn't make the list at all, and Iams just barely squeaked in. By-products, by-products, and more nasty by-products.
If cost is a concern, Authority (PetSmart store brand) doesn't look too shabby. Not top-end, but I'll probably make this at least part of my mix.
Possibly an even better deal is Chicken Soup For The Cat Lover's Soul. I've found two local pet stores that carry this, and a 6lb bag is only $11! Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that any of the nationwide chains carry it, so I left that price off my list. Check what you can get it for locally.
Another surprise was that a few of the super-premium varieties are unusually low in protein. You could almost use them as the lean/filler part of your mix!
Nutro has far too many varietes to sort through.
Anyway, here's hoping this list will help someone else out. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them!
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