Can a chin have a belly button?

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
I was wondering can a chin have a belly button. I have a chin right in the middle of her stomach she has a little bump. I put her and her mom in breeding the 1st week of August just for a week. I was just feeling her stomach to see if I can feel for babies but noticed the bump instead.
Firstly if you put her in breeding the first week of august I don't think it is a good idea to be feeling for babies. It is not a good idea to poke around, and often it takes a while in breeding before they will breed. As for the bump babies are born with umbilical cords which is what causes a belly button. I suppose if I noticed a smal bump about there I would not worry to much. But you may be causing more problems then solving by checking for pregnancies with stress and potential for injury.
Well, all mammals that have an umbilical cord while in the womb would technically have some mark from the cord. Most of the time it's a scar, but I would imagine the scar could also form like a bump much like a belly button.
Sometimes they can end up with an umbilical hernia. (Or, I think that's what it is called.) It can cause a larger bump than what a normal chin would have. They all have a little bit of a belly button - most of the time the fur covers it over completely and you can't feel it very well.
ok, i have wondered this too. Bryson has a "belly button" but Ande doesn't that I can tell. Nice to know.
Ditto what Susan said. I had a chin with a lump like that once, and on veterinary inspection, it proved to be a hernia. It never affected him at all, but I still keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get larger.