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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Bumpa4718

    Chester and his spam mobile

    I couldn't get great pictures because he ducked at the flash. I always read about hedgies and toy cars. now I see for myself. he played forever with this.
  2. Bumpa4718

    chicken or egg

    My always challenging Chester has added more hurdles. he is a picky eater. But he was eating his kibble and a treat of chicken baby food. Hates mealworms, fruits, veggies, eggs. About 10 days ago he lost interest in kibble. So I bought two new brands, all very high quality. He...
  3. Bumpa4718

    Chester the anti-establishment hedgehog

    I am Chester the hedgehog. I read the hedgehog rule book and am determined to break them all!! Mealworms....Pa-leaze! Get those things away from me, NOW! Sometimes I curl up when one is near me and spear it with my "bangs". Fleece...Boring and deserving of frequent poops. I want to push...
  4. Bumpa4718

    Chesters new digs

    On our 2 week anniversary, I was able to move Chester to his new C&C cage....from his rubbermaid jail cell. Not everything is perfect yet, as I needed to measure to buy fleece and need to get some other fun things, like PVC pipes for him to play in. The mesh is a bit larger than I expected...
  5. Bumpa4718

    My I introduce Chester..

    9 weeks old and still grumpy. I can't see my posts immediately and have never posted pictures before, so I apologize if this does not work properly. Chester is super sharp to the touch. He is in a very spikey stage, I guess. Is he Pinto? I don't know the "styles" very well.
  6. Bumpa4718

    I'm having no luck finding a suitable cage

    I adopted Chester one week ago, at 7 weeks of age. It was sort of a spontaneous purchase, in that I was looking for a young hedgie, but did not expect to find one so fast and didn't want to let him get away. So, needless to say, I was not fully prepared. We have made due with a huge plastic...