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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Bumpa4718

    I'm getting a hedgie next weekend. Any advice?

    After all of your prep and all of the advice you have been given, what a great response to say that maybe you will just get some fish for that tank. I'm using a C&C cage. It wasn't cheap either, but that's because I couldn't buy the supplies locally. But I love it. It's worth considering...
  2. Bumpa4718

    Liner diver

    I have my fleece taped under pieces of coroplast that i cut to fit the bottom (they fit on top of the cage floor that is also made of coroplast. My little trouble maker climbs under the darn fleece covered coroplast. so he is sleeping between two layers of hard plastic. i moved his awesome...
  3. Bumpa4718

    Brought new hedgie home

    I am one of the hedgie parents who has a very huffy puffy clickie kid. I also feel that sometimes we are regressing and it makes me sad. It seems like some many hedgies are so lovable, but mine is not. With that said, I do not miss a single night of handling him. I am going to prove to him...
  4. Bumpa4718

    Kibble help! Where are the X's?

    did you already try this kind? they aren't as thin as the chow
  5. Bumpa4718

    Kibble help! Where are the X's?

    sorry if they're not clear
  6. Bumpa4718

    Kibble help! Where are the X's?

    I'm having the same issue. I need X shapes. this is as close as I've gotten but Chester doesn't like it. Simply Nourish turkey oatmeal. it is three prongs. I got it at petsmart. trying to send some pics for you
  7. Bumpa4718

    Chester and his spam mobile

    He can't drive yet. He's too young :) But I agree. Spam is under appreciated. It took a hedgie to show us the way!!
  8. Bumpa4718

    Chester and his spam mobile

    he was determined for sure. I finally took it away for the evening so he would continue his explorations. funny guy
  9. Bumpa4718

    Chester and his spam mobile

    I couldn't get great pictures because he ducked at the flash. I always read about hedgies and toy cars. now I see for myself. he played forever with this.
  10. Bumpa4718

    chicken or egg

    Thank you everyone. I so value your input and advice. Last night I gave him some kibble that is the equivalent of "junk food" to see what he did. He ate the few pieces I gave him. I held back on the baby food and crickets. He was only getting those 2-3x a week anyway, but i was afraid he...
  11. Bumpa4718

    Chester the anti-establishment hedgehog

    Thank you petoftheday. I have nominated myself. I hope the paparazzi don't start hounding me.
  12. Bumpa4718

    Chester the anti-establishment hedgehog

    I turned to crickets because no other insect seemed to be good enough for my boy, but he liked these gross things. I know he needs something besides kibble, but isn't very cooperative with my choices.
  13. Bumpa4718

    chicken or egg

    My always challenging Chester has added more hurdles. he is a picky eater. But he was eating his kibble and a treat of chicken baby food. Hates mealworms, fruits, veggies, eggs. About 10 days ago he lost interest in kibble. So I bought two new brands, all very high quality. He...
  14. Bumpa4718

    Chester the anti-establishment hedgehog

    I just noticed Garnet's name. I lol'd for real!! I bought some crickets. Not freeze dried, but dead all the same since Chester is in a wire cage....don't want those hopping around. They are moist and very fresh...and disgusting. He loves those. He is still anti mealie.
  15. Bumpa4718

    Chester the anti-establishment hedgehog

    he is starting to bite me on occasion when I pick him up. I will not put him down when he does that. I try to just get fingers out of the way. he stops. I guess he gives up. I don't want him to think biting is the answer to wanting out if my hands. he is a character. he's quite...
  16. Bumpa4718

    Chester the anti-establishment hedgehog

    I am Chester the hedgehog. I read the hedgehog rule book and am determined to break them all!! Mealworms....Pa-leaze! Get those things away from me, NOW! Sometimes I curl up when one is near me and spear it with my "bangs". Fleece...Boring and deserving of frequent poops. I want to push...
  17. Bumpa4718

    Which one are you?

    I'm an A hog, but I love that marshmallow hog. adorable
  18. Bumpa4718

    Brought new hedgie home

    hooray for you both. my boy has been with me about a month and he's still not very friendly, but I see progress, ever so slight. he is an enjoyable little spiked kid nonetheless. I'm looking forward to hearing your updates and pictures too! - such a fun time getting to know your new girl.
  19. Bumpa4718

    HELP green gooey poo!

    Melissa, I just love reading your posts. not only are they informative, they usually make me laugh.