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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. lcw142


    my hedgie Milo has been acting strange ever since I cleaned his cage/gave him a bath I'm not sure if his current problems have anything to do with that but maybe you can help me (or make me feel better!) :-( well most importantly his one paw looks blistered, I'm not sure if it's from the heat...
  2. lcw142

    Heating Supplies

    I'm sure there are several threads about this, but I have to ask- What is the best heat source for my hedgie?! background- I have a 20 gallon aquarium (currently) and I do use a heating pad underneath the tank for several hours at a time..never during the night unless or when I'm not home which...
  3. lcw142

    Changing Bedding

    Does changing the bedding affect the hedgehog in any way!? The breeder used wood pellets and I know Milo likes his blanket so I wanted to give him more cuddly bedding. I bought carefresh and he liked it, but I was also told to try sunseed fresh world bedding and I like that too, I just never...
  4. lcw142

    how long does it take...

    ...for hedgehogs to get used to their owners!? I've had Milo for a month or so and he's not affectionate. He loves to explore so I don't take it personally. But will he ever calm down and cuddle?! At least the constant pooping stopped so were a step in the right direction ! :-)
  5. lcw142

    hedgie treats

    I recently bought my hedgie yogurt chips sold at the pet store, the employee argued with me about several snacks a hedgehog could have (which quite frankly she doesn't do much research) She said her hedgehogs have yogurt chips frequently. I'm skeptical about the yogurt chips due to the sugar...
  6. lcw142

    Going away

    So I went to NYC for my birthday from Thursday to Saturday afternoon. I wrote a list of things I do for Milo for my parents to do for Milo. I made sure he was handled often in the morning and at night, I made sure the temp was okay, and I made sure they talked to him and treated him with...
  7. lcw142

    A few more questions

    I keep thinking of questions to ask after I post a thread, so I have a few questions to ask in ONE thread, haha. 1. Does the constant pooping stop once my hedgie is more comfortable? a. also, I am slowly changing his food from basic cat food from the breeder to chicken soup (etc.)...
  8. lcw142

    Hellooo from Upstate NY!! :-)

    Hello everyone! I am a new hedgehog owner and I'm eager to meet other hedgie owners and hear great advice so I can have a happy healthy relationship with my new friend :hedgie4: I look forward to meeting you !!
  9. lcw142

    Hedgehogs and scents

    I have welcomed my new hedgie Milo to my home last week and I have a few questions about scents. I'm a big candle nut, and I was wondering if I am allowed to light candles or have plug ins, do they harm hedgehogs?! Also, I bought one called "White Barn Summer" and it has a minty smell to it and...
  10. lcw142

    Introducing a baby hedgie to a cat

    My cat is a hunter and he is one of the main reasons I was scared to bring home baby Milo, but I talked to other hedgehog owners, and the breeder I got him from is also a cat owner and they assured me it was okay. I tried twice to introduce them after searching how and the only thing that...