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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. C

    need some advice

    well I hope it's affection! she does it everytime she sees me still working on the potty issue but I changed the type of litter so hopefully that works plus on whole side of the bottom of her cage is covered with litter boxs!!!
  2. C

    need some advice

    it was really weird I could feel it she kept doing it for about 1 min and I didn't want to move. what does it mean?
  3. C

    need some advice

    I didn't know about the cats but now I will make sure they locked up when she has her out time. I leaned in her cage today and she started licking me :) Another question she was in a smaller cage when we got her and she was potty trained. Now that she is in a FN cage I put the box in the same...
  4. C

    Hi from Delaware

    Thank you everyone! I'm ready to learn all I can!
  5. C

    TRADITION Chinchilla Pellets

    New at this with one chinchilla how many lbs should I buy to last me a month?
  6. C

    need some advice

    I have had my Chichi for about 3 wks now. If I open her cage she will come right to me hop on my hand but then hop off. She is very sweet I can pet her and clean around her cage with no problem. I leave her bottom cage door open when it's okay time and she goes out on her own. She gets at least...
  7. C

    Hi from Delaware

    HI I've had my new baby for about 2 wks now. She is 11 months old and is my pride and joy and already spoiled rotten! We decided to name her Chiquita but we all call her Chichi!!! I'm happy and excited to have and learn from her everyday. Cassie :wave: