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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Z

    Critter Nation cages breaking

    They seem to like it;)
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    Critter Nation cages breaking

    I have created my own pieces too for a ferret nation cage. Some of my pieces are like yours, some are much heavier. Yet I have had them in the cage for 5 months now without any problems. I guess the question that needs to be asked is how many mounts do you have for each board to the cage...
  3. Z

    Looking for a new cage set-up! Help!

    Here is my setup: Designed it where poopies rarely fall out of cage. Hay has become an issue since my chins decided to "redesign" their food bowl.
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    Would this wood be safe for Chins?

    Marcham, If you need any help with anything please let me know. I have been building custom pieces for inside chinchilla cages for some time now. My pieces are some of the most elaborate you will find on the market and I can tell you how to build some of them and what you will need. PM me...
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    Would this wood be safe for Chins?

    No, whitewood is dangerous to them. It is not considered pine. Home depot will tell you it is pine but it is actually a type of spruce. The actual pine will be a shade darker in color than the whitewood, once compared side by side, you will see the difference. Most "indoor" wood at retailers...
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    The Ferret Nation Club

    My cage, "The Beast":
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    Ferret Nation cage, "The Beast"

    Yes, all the wood shelving and houses are made by me. Here are a few more pics of the cage pieces as well: I also have a video of the cage on you tube as well:
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    Ferret Nation cage, "The Beast"

    Pretty sure a good portion of you have seen some of my work in the chinchilla ferret nation cage. If you haven't, here are some pics of my cage: I plan to have custom fitted fleece on the wood with safe absorbing material it it. I will not be attaching it to the wood via glue or velcro...
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    Twilight Chinchilla Toys, and Custom creations

    What do you use to dye your wood?
  10. Z


    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Much appreciated. I enjoy doing woodwork in the cage, and creating new ideas of what to build them. I hope to have a website soon to sell all these pieces to people. I know the pics don't do it justice, but if you want a detail tour of the cage, here...
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    Hello, I am new to this forum but am a member of other chinchilla forums. I currently own 2 chinchillas. Names are Misty and Cappuccino. Misty is a standard female and she is about 1 1/2 years old. Cappuccino is a tan colored chin who is also 1 1/2 years old. As a side project, I build...
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    Help me decide on a new cage

    Sometimes you can find the Ferret Nation cage on rollback at Wal-mart (I know....wal-mart?!?!?!?!) I bought mine off their website for $160 at the time. The prices fluctuate constantly with the cages one there. One week they are high, the next week, dirt cheap. Here is a link to the site...
  13. Z

    Show Off Your Critter Nations!

    Hello, I am new to this forum but I am part of other chinchilla forums. Saw this thread and thought I would post pictures of my cage. Hope you like: I made all the pieces inside the cage myself. Hopefully, one day I will be able to sell them.