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  1. P

    Low thiamine seizure?

    He has had 2 "fits" both in the evening. The first one was after his run around time. The 2nd there was no run around time. He twitches and shakes, he moves like he's drunk, his eyes get real droupy,and his mouth contorted. He hates the 1/10 CC of thiamine. I've tried to discise the taste but...
  2. P

    Low thiamine seizure?

    Update: His regular vet referred me to a specialist who says he also thinks its low thiamine seizures. He recommended I feed him green leafy vegetables like kale, Collard greens, ect. He will only eat them once they are dried.
  3. P

    Low thiamine seizure?

    I'm going to get and also try Tonyas supplement
  4. P

    Low thiamine seizure?

    His vet says 1/10 CC of vitamin B1.
  5. P

    Low thiamine seizure?

    I have a chin that's about 7 months old he has had 2 seizures. I read a thread on here that described every detail of his seizure. It is a low thiamine seizure. What can I give him to increase his thiamine level, and will that reduce his seizures?
  6. P

    Reuniting Daddy and Mommy chinchillas

    I really do have a lot to learn.... she came to me already pregnant. This is my first experience with kits.I just couldn't leave them in the situation they were in. I do appreciate the advice
  7. P

    Reuniting Daddy and Mommy chinchillas

    They are separated now they are rescue chins that I know nothing about.Thanks for the information
  8. P

    Reuniting Daddy and Mommy chinchillas

    It has been. 7 days since birth and I just reunited the Mommy and babies to the Daddy. They were fine for about half an hour then she got aggressive. This lasted about fifteen minutes and then she returned to the kits. I'm not sure what to do at this point. He's staying at the top of the cage...