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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. R

    Help my chins in love with me!!

    He does have cuddle buddies, but prefers me!!
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    Help my chins in love with me!!

  3. R

    Shedding problem (to me)

    Allergy problems!! Ive had my male for over 2years and recently brought home a rescue and I`m now at my wits end!! I recently came down with a huge Sinus allery attack that went into bronchitis later. Never had the problem before I brought the female into the house which she is shedding...
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    Help! Allergy and BReathing Problems!

    Will chins change over from shavings to liners? Would love to stop with the shavings but wonder will the chins change over ok? Don`t want them to start urinating outside of cage when out?
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    Help! Allergy and BReathing Problems!

    best and most comforable type mask to wear? I picked up some masks at rite-aide and they just are not comforable any special type thats good?
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    Help! Allergy and BReathing Problems!

    Really bad allergies!! I have never had allergies all my life and now with the addition of a chin rescue I recently added, I am having real problems with coughing, sore throat etc. I purchased a mask but that seems to make matters worse, any special kind of mask anyone reccomend. I am older and...
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    best repellant for chins

    Is there a certain spray repellant thats recomended to keep chins from chewing up baseboards? I have tried lemon juice that works ok till it drys then he is back to old tricks.:hair:
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    Bladder infection?

    Have noticed dark colored urine stains in cage, what could this be? Doesn`t appear to be sick but could this be bladder infection and what in the world to do about it? Does this happen with chins my male is two years old and has always been healthy.:cry3:
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    Can male and female be together?

    I picked up my female a couple of days ago and so far ok. Right now she isn`t doing much other than sleeping. Can`t believe she does not want to go into a bed or any other enclosure that I`ve given her. Maybe starting to get alittle more comfortable and so far loves cheerios, which she probably...
  10. R

    Can male and female be together?

    Going to give it a try! Ok today I`m going to pick up my rescue female and I`m going to keep her in separate room that my male is in. Got her cage all ready and kind of exited to start spoiling her and give her all the things she hasn`t had in the past like a dust bath and even a bed to sleep...
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    Can male and female be together?

    Thanks much for your response, if kept in separate rooms always would that be better? I feel so sorry for this sweet female as I believe she is being kept by a animal hoarter and not in the best of conditions. Mainly want to give a good home to her.
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    Best Brand of Feed

    American pet diner is the best!!! Expensive but well worth it!!
  13. R

    Can male and female be together?

    Suggestions on adopting female I was considering adopting this sweet chin female however reading some of the posts I am now rethinking!! I have no interest in breeding at all and my 2year old male who is my only chin pet would suddenly become a raving maniac trying to breed. My question would...
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    Can male and female be together?

    I am getting a real calm and sweet female from a friend breeder, I have a two year old male that would be introduced to her gradually, the female is not interested in breeding any longer. Am I making a mistake putting them together thinking they will get along? Please give advise!!!:wink2:
  15. R

    i just did my first hair ring 'check'

    Has anyone been bitten when checking for fur rings? My male chin is 2 years old and in good health but I have never restrained him and actually held him, I was told when I bought him from the breeder he wouldn`t have the problem because he is my only chin and only breeders would have to deal...
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    Why is my male chin doing this?

    My 2year old chin all of a sudden is sometimes peeing outside of his cage which he hasn`t done in the past and goes back to the same area. Also he seems to be peeing when I`m petting him also kind of like maybe he thinks I`m his mate? He comes and goes inside of his cage when he wants as I have...
  17. R

    Do single chins get bored?

    do single chins get bored? I also have just one male chin and at times I wonder if he`s lonely to.My guy does have play area access all the time so he`s in and out 24/7. I really am kind of scared to bring in another and face the chance they wont get along.I try to spend time everyday with him...
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    Is he really watching t.v.?

    I am really wondering if my tootie is really watching t.v. with me? He just stares for long amounts of time and he really seems like he`s into it. :wink2:
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    Best food

    Best chin food I think the very best chin food for me anyway is from american pet diner. The alffy complete pellet ration my chin totally loves and eating all there treats available my little guy has had no more stomach issues. Alittle pricey but I only have one and I want the very best for...
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    Any suggestions for my problem?

    This is probably a silly question but I need advise! My male chin tootie is alittle over 1 year old and is a black velvet. I have had him since he was about 5 mos. He comes and goes out of his cage at will into a fenced playarea in my home, everyday I get into the pen with him and he now jumps...