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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. yukichilla

    Binder clips?

    Do you mean binder clips or binder rings? I use binder rings for my hammocks but I would never use binder clips (except to keep the liner in place on the bottom), seems like it would be far too easy for the fleece to slip out of those. Binder rings come in various sizes, the larger ones are...
  2. yukichilla

    Michigan 2011 MCBA Show

    Are tables usually available to sell things at shows? If so, how do I sign up to get one? I'd like to see if I can sell some chin art... :)
  3. yukichilla

    My new ideas?

    She's adorable! I love those little freckles. Whoever suggested Nyx, I like that. Ayn is pronounced like the word "aye" with an n at the end. Though, Ayn Rand can be a bit of a divisive subject...if you're a fan of her philosophy, great, but if...
  4. yukichilla

    Can chin claws cause this?

    I used to get a rash JUST like that. I had a chin who was very unsanitary and fond of scratching me...I'm fairly sure it was the nails lightly breaking my skin and getting exposed to urine that was on her paws that caused this rash, because it was only after handling this one chin. Also liked...
  5. yukichilla

    Keeping fleece covers in place?

    Well I just went ahead and made a liner this morning without any fancy magnets or velcro. Instead I just opted to put his hut, food bowl, and a chin-chiller on the corners...hopefully it'll all be in place when I get home from work, haha. I also made a matching hammock, his cage has never been...
  6. yukichilla


    Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! And Yuki says thanks for all the compliments. The picture of him up there (along with the one in my avatar) came from a friend who needed animals to "model" for a photography course she was taking...I wish I had the same talent in photographing animals...
  7. yukichilla

    Keeping fleece covers in place?

    I did some browsing in this section of the forum and didn't see an answer, so apologies if there's an old thread I missed somewhere that answers this. I am about to give fleece liners a try (I use shavings now with my FN142) and sew some myself, but it seems like some of the designs would move...
  8. yukichilla

    What happens if they eat a lady bug?

    I have no idea the effect on a chin, but I don't think one would hurt, really. I have tried chocolate covered crickets and mealworms though, as a dare from an entomology professor. The mealworms didn't have a noticeable flavor/texture, though the crickets were a bit like crisped rice, kind of...
  9. yukichilla


    Hi, I'm Carrie! I am a slave to a chinchilla by the name of Yuki... He's just over 3 now. I'm from Michigan and I used to be a member on CnQ, though I wasn't very active there. Anyone else here from Michigan?