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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. M

    A few questions

    Hi everyone/anyone! My chinnie, Archimedes, celebrated his 1st birthday this month! and in March I will have had him for a year! He's completed one more with me and he has a spacious Martin's cage-about 3 feet tall with a few levels! He seems to be doing well, eating normally and such. I...
  2. M

    Do they like the dark?

    I am so excited to welcome my very first chin as of this Tuesday! It has been very exciting and Archimedes has taken to his new home well. I sort of did a search and it may be a silly questions but, do chins like the dark? Is it okay to leave them without a light (since they are nocturnal...
  3. M

    How best to protect feet from wire cage?

    Hi everyone, I am a brand new chin owner as of tonight so I am thus new to everything including the forums. I've done a lot of research but I'm still a little confused when it comes to cage surfaces. Right now I have just regular cage wire that are like 1/2" squares or something. Do I need to...
  4. M

    Hello from Philadelphia

    Hi, I am brand new to the world of chinchillas, as I am getting my very first one! My name is Meaghan and I located in Philadelphia. Any tips on good places to get supplies locally or just tips in general would be great!