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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. littlepiper

    Introduction Question

    Hey everyone, Yet again another question about my boys. About a month ago I got a male mosaic chinchilla (7 months) and after quarentine have started introducing him to my other two boys (7 months and 1 year). So far things haven't been nearly as easy as it was to introduce my first two. My new...
  2. littlepiper

    Pulling Out Hair

    Hello everyone, I have two male chinchillas, Shun (1) and Hiro (7 mo.) who live together and are usually quite good with eachother. Although they do have scuffles once in a while, they have never really hurt eachother. Recently I've noticed that a lot of the short fur just above a chinchillas...
  3. littlepiper

    Bad Influence

    Hi there, I have two male chinchillas, Shun (1) and Hiro (7 mos). They have lived together quite well for the past four months or so, but recently the older chin has be having in a way which is 'not himself'. See, the younger one has always had some behavioural issues (he bites cage bars when...
  4. littlepiper

    Chinchilla Fur Problem

    Hey there everyone, My little chinchilla, Hiro (10 weeks, black velvet), got himself into a pickle. He likes to sleep at the bottom of his cage and today, I found out that he slept in his pee. His whole chest and left arm are dry and matted from his pee. Technically he (and his cage mate) are...
  5. littlepiper

    Colour of chin?

    Hey everyone, Although I'm not new, I just picked up a sweet little boy today (from a very neglectful owner who had three big female chins, plus this little boy in one small cage). He is about 8 weeks old and I've named him Hiro. My question is, what colour is he? He isn't quite standard grey...
  6. littlepiper

    Baytril Solution/Injection

    Hello everyone, Unfortunately, my smallest chin, Suki (8 weeks), got very ill yesterday. We took her to an emergency vet and the vet gave my baby a shot of Baytril, and sent us home with some hand feeding food and more Baytril solution. After a while the baby passed away, after having seizures...
  7. littlepiper

    Foaming at mouth - please help me

    Hi there anyone, I woke up this morning (around 12:30, it is now 1:30) to find my baby chinchilla (8 weeks, female, mosaic) foaming at the mouth and the nose. Hher underbelly is already soaking wet. She smells funny and is making very weird teeth scratching noises in her mouth. Also, she looks...
  8. littlepiper

    Introduction... Issue?

    Hey there everyone, Well, I just attempted to introduce my two chins, Shun (male, standard, 6 months) and my Suki (female, mosaic, 6 weeks) and I had a bit of an issue. So, I took both of them (with my boyfriend to help) into a neutral area with no 'personal belongings' while watching them...
  9. littlepiper

    Oblivious Chin

    Hey there everyone, I just got a 5 week old mosaic female about a week ago named Suki. She's a real sweetie, except for one little problem. She is completely oblivious to everything. I also have a male chin who is 6 months now and he's pretty good, as in, he comes when he's called, loves to be...
  10. littlepiper

    Biting Chin

    Hey everyone, I have a 6 month old male chin whom I've had for about 3 months now. For the past two weeks or so he's been very fussy and won't let me touch him without him biting... very hard. He has always been a spaztic chinchilla and only for the past two weeks has he been very...
  11. littlepiper

    Only Cat food?

    Hey there, I have a year and a half old hedgehog, Velcro, who's a sweet little boy. I've been feeding him high quality cat food all his life, however, he won't eat anything else. I've read in various places that hedgies like different foods, like meal worms, veggies, some fruit, some cooked...
  12. littlepiper

    Frumpy Hedgehog?

    Hey there, I just have a question, if someone can answer, about my year and a half old hedgehog, Velcro. I've had him since he was about 5 months old, and he was a very loving, inquisitive boy, but for the past few months or so he has not wanted to come out or play, and gets very temperamental...