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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. M

    Neutering Young Chins

    Hello all! I adopted a pregnant female a few months ago. The kits are now 9 weeks old. I have already separated the 2 boys to prevent pregnancy. I have tried to find a proper home for the boys, but I am failing at finding the perfect home for them. I truly want to keep them as they are the...
  2. M

    New owner questions! :)

    I just got my ferret nation cage today and the girls are in it. I can't wait to see them both come out of their shell! I do have a few new owner questions if you all do not mind me asking! 1) What do you have in your chinchilla medical kit? I already have a huge guinea pig medical kit but I...
  3. M

    New Chin owner here!! :)

    Hey all! I just took in my first chinchilla pair a few days ago- it was very unexpected and I was VERY unprepared! :/ I work at a pet store and sadly people think it's alright to dump their unwanted pets off at any given time... This female has been at the store for over a month and had a...