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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. pufflestoose

    lots of fur! plz help

    Everyday when I clean the cage ive been noticing a lot of fur around the cage, but theyre nor normally in clumps so I dont think its from chewing their fur. And theres no noticable fur missing when you just look at them. I started seeing an increase in the amount of hair left behind in the cage...
  2. pufflestoose

    Eating Less?

    My chins have lately been eating alot less than they used to, only around half the food. ive been checking on them alot and i'd spot both of them eating throughout the day, and i dont think its just one of them skipping out on his food. also, i dont think they;ve been drinking as much...
  3. pufflestoose


    My chin has recently started scratching a lot at his ears and behind them. Is there something wrong?
  4. pufflestoose


    I've heard acidophilus is a good supplement for them I just don't know how much to give them and how many times a week/day, and if i should even give it to them?
  5. pufflestoose

    occasional seizures ?

    My beige chin sometimes has a seizure that lasts around 2-3 min. He usually has one every other 2-4 weeks. But the last one he had was really bad, should I take him to the vet?
  6. pufflestoose

    GIANT POOP!!! Help!!!

    My chins poop started to occasionally be huge and softer than normal? Is there something wrong and what should I do ?
  7. pufflestoose


    Hi I started to feed my 2 little chinchi's a small handful of lettuce a day. The vet we took them to said we should, but I''ve been hearing that I''ve been hearing that vegetables are bad for them, while other people say its good for them. Which one is right?
  8. pufflestoose

    giant red spot on ear? HELP!

    one of my chinnies has a ginormous red spot on his ear. it looks like his vein is bleeding on the inside. he's been recently scratching at it. should i take him to the vet?
  9. pufflestoose

    safe woods?

    is grapevine and unpeeled and peeled willow safe for chinchillas?
  10. pufflestoose

    showing combs?

    i'm thinking about showing my chinchillas and was wondering where to get a good showing comb or two?
  11. pufflestoose

    Best Brands of Hay?

    hi i just got 2 new chins about a month ago and was wondering what was the best brand of timothy hay?