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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. S

    Opinions on my boy's cage please! :)

    The only things I noticed are that you've got a plastic water bottle and fabric fasteners for your hammock. Chins will chew on both. Even though the plastic bottle is outside the cage- mine found her way to it when I first got her! Glass is better. And also, that hammock looks like it's made for...
  2. S

    Tips on Potty Training chinchillas

    I've got an 8 month old chin that I had fairly well litter trained until we had to move. I'm guessing the stress of new surroundings is what had her revert to the EVERY SPACE IS A PEEING PLACE mentaility. Do you think if I went back to square one she'll remember how it goes and eventually learn...
  3. S

    Can a chinchilla break her tail?

    I have a five month old female who has been a total busybody for the two months I've owned her. During our daily five minute playtime two days ago, she seemed perfectly normal. Yesterday we didn't get to playtime, but she wasn't acting out of the ordinary in her cage. But today, I bring her out...
  4. S

    My little escape

    So I've had my three month old Zadie for about two weeks now. For the first week and a half, I didn't take her out of her cage at all but had my hands in there fairly frequently. She seemed to love it and would jump around all over my hand and arm, gently letting me play elevator and whatnot...
  5. S


    She's about 13 weeks now according to the breeder I got her from. She seems to be missing her mom and sister, but I'm guessing that will pass with time and lots of attention?
  6. S


    This would be Zadie :) She's an affectionate little ball of energy, haha.
  7. S


    Hello to all! I've been a lurker on this site for a few months now, but as I'm picking up my first chinny in about an hour, I figured I should finally register in case I needed to ask any questions. Everyone here seems really knowledgable and I hope I'll be able to add to that in a few years...