Recent content by Markhood

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Markhood

    Separating bonded chinchillas?

    Separating a bonded pair of older chinchillas can be stressful. Monitor their behavior closely and seek advice from a vet.
  2. Markhood

    Cherry Tree

    Yes, cherry wood is safe for chinchillas if properly prepared, as it's a non-toxic wood commonly used in their habitats.
  3. Markhood

    New Chin on the block!

    Congratulations on your new little one, he's absolutely adorable! 🥰
  4. Markhood

    Poorly Chin won't eat

    Monitor chinchilla closely for changes. Encourage eating with favorite treats. Ensure fresh water. Await vet results for further insight into underlying issue.
  5. Markhood

    Moving from FL to ME

    You should consider breaks in pet-friendly hotels, providing larger spaces for exercise. Ensure comfort, limit stress during the trip for your chinchillas.
  6. Markhood

    Pet Wanted ISO male chin in MI

    I'm sorry :cry: to hear about your loss. Have you considered reaching out to local shelters or chin-specific rescues in Michigan?
  7. Markhood

    Chinchilla with fractured pelvis!!! Help!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your chinchilla. It sounds like she's in a lot of pain and you're very worried about her. I wouldn't recommend euthanizing her just yet. It's important to continue to give her pain medication and monitor her closely. With time and care, she may be able to recover.
  8. Markhood

    New drooling down chest

    I lack expertise in interpreting x-rays, but I'm relieved to hear your chinchilla is experiencing increased comfort.
  9. Markhood

    Mysterious Lump on chinchilla

    I haven't had a chinchilla with this issue, but I hope your little one feels better soon. It's great that you're taking such good care of her!
  10. Markhood

    Chinchilla For Sale South Florida: Rehome 5 chinchillas

    Your chinchillas are truly wonderful, but I can't provide them a home. Wishing you success in finding a caring buyer.
  11. Markhood

    Hello there

    Greetings to all members, I'm rejoining after a hiatus. Regrettably, my cherished chinchillas, the 3Cs, met an unfortunate fate during a difficult time. Now, considering adopting a rescue male from a trusted connection, I'm eager to catch up and explore the changes in the community. Thrilled to...