Recent content by Jenny D

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Jenny D

    The Ferret Nation Club

    Pans Hello all! I was wondering if anyone on the forum knows of someone who supplies pans (or welds them) in the Midwest Illinois areas. Joliet, Tinley, Bloomington, etc. thanks! Jenny
  2. Jenny D


    @kriko24 That's too funny, it IS common around here and I often get "you have a pet what?!". REALLY how do you to know what a chinchilla is!
  3. Jenny D


    I know this is very tricky, but personally I am curious as to whAt region/area has the highest population of chin owners. I'll be more specific for the U.S, but I'll include a couple other categories! Also, since it would be impossible for me to include states, feel free to comment more...
  4. Jenny D

    Weirdest places you have found chin poop

    In the indents of my iPad case, like the slits where you can prop it up. No matter what I am doing, if I have something in my hands that I am paying attention to, the boys raid me! Also, on numerous occasions I've found them in my bra :o SICK, this also happened to my friend (the one Whois most...
  5. Jenny D

    Silly Demon, chinchillas don't fly...

    My boy always jumps out into my lap, but after a minute or so of scratches and cuddling I think he forgets that HE jumped out and that I did not grap him. And he begins doing his little "bark squeak" thing so I put him back in his cage and the whole scenario plays out again. This happens 2 or 3...
  6. Jenny D

    satisfied with the bath house

    Both my boys have enough room, but as stated before only if they go in alone :) My boys used to both go in, then bark at one another to get out. Finally I bought another one, so boozer knows his bath is on the top level of my FN and Puffy's is on the bottom. They absolutely LOVE their bath houses.
  7. Jenny D

    Carpeted floors

    Mine play on carpet all the time, and they don't chew on in..once in a while though boozer will try to "bath" in it and do what he does in his dust bast....which is confusing to me hahah! The only issue I have ever ran into was when I hadn't moved a floor rug that had the long fibers and the...
  8. Jenny D

    A few pictures of my handsome little guys!

    Gimme that! Boozer on left, puffy on right. This was the last time I had fake nails, Boozer constantly tried biting them! And to this day, bites my (real) nails until I let out an "ouch!" and then he just rubs his nose on them! Lastly, tuckered out boozer mid playtime. I let him lay like this...
  9. Jenny D

    A few pictures of my handsome little guys!

    @lirana That's too funny! I have a similar persona, they call me "chinchilla Jen", and in one instance my roomate decided to make me a "fake twitter" (because i refuse to get one) with that being my name! So mean :( So happy I decided to join this forum, now I don't feel like the "oddball"...
  10. Jenny D

    Photoshoot with Sasha

    She is a cutie! I always find that my boys pose much more with my boyfriend, even though I spend time with them for hours everyday, whenever he comes to visit me at school they prefer his attention over mine. I admit, I'm a bit jealous! Your girl is quite lovely!
  11. Jenny D

    A few pictures of my handsome little guys!

    Oh do I! They control my life, I often have friends (college kids who do not understand the responsibility of taking care of not only myself, BUT my chins) who make fun of me constantly because I am obsessed with my little guys. I will say though, in times of stress or frustration these wo...
  12. Jenny D

    Unnecessary and Avoidable Chin Trouble :(

    I agree, on instagram (I often roll through the #chinchilla or #chinchillas because I LOVE to see the different colors, personalities, etc.) and one day at the rec center, I'm enjoying my "chinchilla creep time" when I stumble across a younger girl, most likely in college like myself who has...
  13. Jenny D

    The name game..what in your chins name?

    Puffy: the odd moment when I found my 24 year old boyfriends babytoy "lost" in an old drawer I was cleaning, it kinda looked like a chinchilla. Not to mention Puffy is well....extremely PUFFY! Boozer: Carlos Boozer, I am from Chicago (Go Bulls!) and he is one of my favorite players.
  14. Jenny D

    A few pictures of my handsome little guys!

    ***Boozer: with his white belly It is too funny watching him run up and down his cage, running into things because he cannot drop his favorite chew toy! HA! By far my favorite picture of him! He thinks he is a velociraptor, this is also his signature stance! Boozer is such a doll. So...
  15. Jenny D

    New fleece!

    I love this! I'll have to attempt to make a pocket! My boys would love that!