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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. CmdrVimes

    are plants in the cage a horrid idea? they would have them in the wild...

    I would suggest fake too, not only are there risks of parasites, you would also be risking it with pesticides, your hoggie wouldn't eat the plant directly, but a lot of the insects eat plantlife, which your hoggie would eat, thus ingesting the pesticide. There are a wealth of fake plants out...
  2. CmdrVimes

    Sterilised soil as a more natural alternative?

    Okies, thank you so much for your input guys! I really value your opinions and you've all proved that sterilised soil or any kind of small particle dusty/dirty substrate is just not an option. :-) I DID think that this would be the case, but I wanted something to show to Simon to further support...
  3. CmdrVimes

    Sterilised soil as a more natural alternative?

    After being constantly nagged at by Simon, with him arguing that they don't come into contact with fleece in their natural habitat.... (but then he read that African Pygmy Hedgehogs wouldn't even be found in the wild as they are a hybrid species created by humans?) My question then, although...