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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. B

    Unfinished Wood?

    ok i've gotten some replies from some of the craft companies and the Walmart "unfinished wood" is all pine or balsa but one of the crafts people from a different store that replied said some of their stuff is pine and some of it is maple and i heard that maple is toxic for chins so i guess that...
  2. B

    Unfinished Wood?

    yes i'm definitely talking about the light colored woods they don't seem overly light i found something saying that it was "pinewood" but i'm not sure if this means that all this unfinished craft wood that looks like this is pine or kn pine or whatever is safe for the chins or if it's just safe...
  3. B

    Unfinished Wood?

    Ok so at Walmart there's a crafts section that has "unfinished wood" in the crafts section and basically they sell unfinished wood for crafts on numerous online websites but none of them say what the wood is...does anyone here know what this commonly used wood is? and if it's different for...
  4. B

    I think I scared my Chinchilla really bad?

    just to temper the rampant Petsmart bashing...there are some Petsmarts that have caretakers that let their chins out for playtime and give them pellets and give them the right house and when they sell the chins they give good advice on what stuff they need like the dust bath, apple sticks, hay...
  5. B

    About what age will my chin be full grown?

    it was just something people were saying in other posts that the babies needed to conserve their calories so they can use them to grow...i'm glad you mentioned the hypoglycemic time when i was playing with my girl for awhile when she got put back in her cage she just flopped down and...
  6. B

    About what age will my chin be full grown?

    ok well if it's that broad a spectrum how will i know when i'm supposed to get her more exercise...other posters have said that they don't need a lot of exercise while they're what point do i switch her to adult status and get her out there burning her calories
  7. B

    About what age will my chin be full grown?

    Just would be nice to know when she'll be full grown and stuff...
  8. B


    I ended up getting the 57" playpen off ebay since it looked pretty nice and it's a lot of room and definitely well made...i just line the bottom with fleece and take in a tent whisk and little pan to sweep up the little poops and i have some towels in there to soak up the pee since it...
  9. B

    Why does nobody recommend glass?

    I don't keep a lot of stuff in her cage period...most of her toys are in her playpen...her food and hay are on the top shelf...her chew blocks are on the next shelf down...and in the bottom of her cage is her water bottle and her little hut...she likes to sleep on the shelves in her cage...i...
  10. B

    Why does nobody recommend glass?

    blah nevermind i found recommendations for glass in the housing and supplies forum...i guess i spend too much time in the new owner section >.<
  11. B

    Why does nobody recommend glass?

    I hear all sorts of cage ideas that include wood or tile or granite and the pros and cons of hard plastics...basically I've never heard anybody recommend glass for litter pans or hop up or in toys or cool things for them to lay on when they that i have fleece in the playpen i'm going...
  12. B

    Grips bar with teeth and runs head up and down

    When i have to clean the playpen attachment to my girl's cage she gets her cage door closed and gets annoyed with the fact that she can't come out of it...that's when she starts with the teeth on the vertical bars and head up and down thing...i think it's her trying to get me to let her out of...
  13. B

    Kit from a breeder or a adult chinchilla from a rescue?

    just pick out the one you like best from wherever
  14. B

    Why get a wheel at all?

    i mean 7 linear feet basically...i have a 36" tall cage that's 2' x 2' wide and it's attached to a playpen that's 48" in diameter...basically her fun thing to do is to start out up at the top of her cage where her food dish is and jump down the ledges and bolt out of her cage and run the playpen...
  15. B

    Why get a wheel at all?

    Earlier when i was reading about those plastic balls and how they were bad someone mentioned that chins don't naturally run they hop and bounce and why does everyone keep saying get them a wheel in one thread and then in another thread say that running isn't their natural...