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  1. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    So it seems Blitz is finally starting to feel better. He's been nibbling on hay and wood toys, accepted a cheerio from the boyfriend greedily, and seems to fight me with feedings out of what seems to be annoyance more than pain. Tuesday night he dropped some weight when I weighed him in at...
  2. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    Today's feedings were rough, but nothing compared to the attempted feedings over the weekend without Buprenex. Blitz does not happily feed from dipped syringes anymore but he's compliant for the first half of the feeding. The final half requires me to reluctantly re-burrito him each bite and...
  3. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    I'm pretty confident I can manage getting him to eat 35ml each day. However I'd feel so much better if I can get 45+ instead. He showed no interest in the dipped syringe method after the Buprenex this morning. However he didn't fight me nearly as hard and didn't act nearly as desperate to not...
  4. astryea

    Help! He won't stop barking!!

    Blitz wasn't as vocal in the beginning, but after months of living with me and getting used to his new environment he became much more critical of his space. Generally Blitz will randomly start meeping for what seems to be no apparent reason. I'll usually lower the volume on the tv or tell him...
  5. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    No luck with the follow-up feeding. He didn't even go for the first bite. I tried dipping in Dyne, apple sauce, and pineapple juice since it was on hand. He seemed interested, but nothing enticed him enough to not put up a fight in the end. I maybe got 5ml in him bringing today's CC total to...
  6. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    Attempted to hand feed again about an hour after giving him the Buprenex. It went pretty smoothly for about 10ml of CC, then he started fighting me. I forced him to finish the remaining 5ml of the syringe before giving him a break. I was hoping to start a second syringe before he started...
  7. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    Holy crap Dawn that worked better than anticipated! He just ate 15ccs like a champ. I don't think I've ever hand-fed him this quickly before! Next time I'll have multiple syringes of CC ready ;) Ever since I started him back on the reglan injections he's been having a bunch of tiny poops...
  8. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    Thanks Dawn. I was hoping to hear from you as well. Your advice helped get me through managing Blitz's tooth infection last year. I will start giving him the Buprenex again. I've tried enticing him with Dyne before, but he didn't go for it. I'll try again after he's had the Buprenex if not...
  9. astryea

    2 Week Rollercoaster - At wits end

    This is a long story, but I very generally summed it up at the bottom for those not willing to read the whole thing. Blitz has also been treated by a few different vets, but instead of names I'll just number them. This all started on the evening of Tuesday, November 30th. I noticed Blitz had...
  10. astryea

    Klinger's Eyes & Dust sensitivity

    If you don't mind my asking, where does one find PDZ dust? I've been using Blue Cloud with Blitz for awhile and lately it seems to be irritating his eyes every single bath. I wonder if switching brands would help him as well.
  11. astryea

    Need a chinsitter / chin boarding service!

    Thanks moon. You might be even farther away, but I'll be sure to keep you and pitstop in mind should I need a sitter in the future. Even though I doubt you'll ever need the offer considering your business, I'm willing to help out any local chin folk that need a sitter as well so feel free to...
  12. astryea

    Need a chinsitter / chin boarding service!

    Thanks for the offer Pitstop, but I don't live in Baltimore. I'm actually farther north about 10 miles away from Delaware. :)
  13. astryea

    Need a chinsitter / chin boarding service!

    Wow. PA is much closer than I realized. Thanks for the tip. Applebrook does have boarding, but the website only mentions dogs and cats. I'll call them to be sure.
  14. astryea

    Need a chinsitter / chin boarding service!

    Thanks pinkpiggy. You're about 40 minutes south of me. If I can get Blitz's travel cage from my parents in NJ I can take you up on your offer. I wouldn't want you making that trip each day to check in on him. I sent you a PM with more info though.
  15. astryea

    Need a chinsitter / chin boarding service!

    I'm going away for a long weekend this Thanksgiving, and normally I'd board Blitz at the vet or leave him with my parents. However I just moved from NJ to Maryland 2 weeks ago and the vet I found doesn't have a boarding service. I found a local pet boarding business, but I'm not sure I'm...