It seems to be an annual occurrence. Nibbler has yet again incurred what I can only presume is a bite wound (some of you from the old forum may remember a similar incident early February of last year. the timing is ominous). I don't know how long it has been there as I haven't been home for a couple of days, but it doesn't seem nearly as bad as the one I found on him last year. I can only assume from looking at it that it is 24-48 hours old, though you guys will be able to tell me better I'm sure. Aside from some puffiness, fur loss, and redness it doesn't seem to be in too bad of shape... at least relatively.
I laid their dust bath in and handed each of the boys a wood chunk, and noticed that Nibbler wasn't looking like his normal self or even jumping down to get a much needed and long overdue roll. I reached in to pet him and felt something crunchy in his fur, so I pulled him out and there it was. My boyfriend and I took him into the bathroom so he could hop around, as both my boys have been smooshed up in their temp cage for the past couple of weeks while I get my room painted, carpet shampooed, and various shelving units installed. Probably not the best idea to have him moving, but I wanted to make sure that the lethargic look he had in the cage wasn't an infection that had already gotten to him. Aside from the injury, he seems to be behaving alright. Still eating and drinking well, took to the bathroom (he'd never been in there before) rather well and climbed up into my arms from time to time.
I set him up in the fleece-lined travel cage with some hay, a wood chew, and a bottle of water so that we can head to the vet immediately after my meeting in the morning. I thought about doing compresses on it but I was worried that it might make him uncomfortable and encourage him to chew or otherwise fidget at the wound. We'll see what the vet has to say in the morning, but I was wondering what you all thought I should be sure to say, do, ask for while I'm there or even do until then. When this happened before, the wound had abscessed and the vet had to cut away some surrounding tissue so she gave us anti- and pro-biotics and I hand fed him for the week that he received them. Is this necessary this time? I have attached some photos so you could all give me better advice in case it mattered.
I laid their dust bath in and handed each of the boys a wood chunk, and noticed that Nibbler wasn't looking like his normal self or even jumping down to get a much needed and long overdue roll. I reached in to pet him and felt something crunchy in his fur, so I pulled him out and there it was. My boyfriend and I took him into the bathroom so he could hop around, as both my boys have been smooshed up in their temp cage for the past couple of weeks while I get my room painted, carpet shampooed, and various shelving units installed. Probably not the best idea to have him moving, but I wanted to make sure that the lethargic look he had in the cage wasn't an infection that had already gotten to him. Aside from the injury, he seems to be behaving alright. Still eating and drinking well, took to the bathroom (he'd never been in there before) rather well and climbed up into my arms from time to time.
I set him up in the fleece-lined travel cage with some hay, a wood chew, and a bottle of water so that we can head to the vet immediately after my meeting in the morning. I thought about doing compresses on it but I was worried that it might make him uncomfortable and encourage him to chew or otherwise fidget at the wound. We'll see what the vet has to say in the morning, but I was wondering what you all thought I should be sure to say, do, ask for while I'm there or even do until then. When this happened before, the wound had abscessed and the vet had to cut away some surrounding tissue so she gave us anti- and pro-biotics and I hand fed him for the week that he received them. Is this necessary this time? I have attached some photos so you could all give me better advice in case it mattered.