Tile vs. Fleece

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New member
May 5, 2018
Hey everyone!

I have had my chinchillas now for just over a year, they started out in a smaller ferret cage that was mainly plastic but just over 8 months ago they upgraded to a ferret nation cage. The issue I have had has been suitable liners. My mosaic will chew right through them before the week is even up. I was wondering if anyone has tried using tile as I have been consider using that as an alternative.

Yes people have tiled the floor of their cages. Keep in mind though that tile is heavy, and depending on what you use it will need to be sealed or it will absorb the pee over time. Also it's better if you chins are litter trained, otherwise they will be leaving pee puddles all over that you will need to wipe up or they will make a mess.

If your chin is chewing fleece then it's not safe, most chins don't which is why it's considered as a safe option for "bedding". Another option is to buy metal pans from some place like Bass Equipment, and just go with wood shavings.
My girls are relatively good about peeing in their litter although let's face it they are chinchillas not angels! I have had full litter bottoms on other cages and wasnt a fan, I found they didnt like playing on it because they seemed to think it was just a giant litter box at that poimt

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