carrots, lettuce and apples? cat lax?

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
My mother ended up taking my chin to 2 different vets. One said she was perfectly fine - she wont eat and hasn't pooped in days but no, she's not on deaths door. The other one said to feed her carrots, lettuce and apples because she needs more fiber.
Ignoring the fact that I have been screaming at my mother via messenger to take the chin to a vet, its critical and her NOT listening ( I am in China till September) - she finally goes and one says she is fine, the other give her cat lax and says to feed her veggies.
Can chinchillas actually eat this stuff or is this vet think she is a rabbit? I am under the impression that they cant eat fruits, seeds, ect.
I told her NOT to feed veggies - only critical care.
No chins can not have fruits and veggies, I can't really say about the cat lax for sure, but that doesn't sound right either, the first ingredient is cod liver oil. Chinchillas are not designed to process food that is so high in moisture and sugar and are herbivores so can't digest animal products. I have a feeling that yes, the vet probably doesn't see chins much if at all and figures they look like a rabbit or guinea pig so they must need the same stuff. Chinchillas do need a high fiber diet, but get it though eating lots of hay.

You can try having your mom feed critical care, but if nothing is coming out then that means that it's not going anywhere and is just piling up inside (which can lead to a rupture). The chin probably needs some mobility drugs to get the gut moving, and possibly some gas drops (if it's gas bubbles). But before doing any of that they need to do an x-ray to see why nothing is coming out, if it's just a sluggish digestive tact then the mobility drugs might work, but if it's something more, like a blockage, then it might need to be surgically removed.
If she hasn't pooped in days that can be serious since the gut bacteria starts to die within about a day, followed by the gut itself. So even when the issues is resolved (for example if it's a blockage) probiotics will also be needed to replenish the good gut bacteria that has died off.

Maybe try either looking up better vets for your mom to take the chin to or see if anyone on here lives in the area were the chin is that might know of one? It says you live in Alaska, but I think your other post said you moved at least once?
I tried looking up vets last year and none of them around here know about Chinchillas. When I call, they say YES, we treat them but then I find out I know more about GI stasis and bloat then they do - except for one vet BUT she will not help you and will tell you to put the animal down if you can not pay her outrageous prices. I went there last year and she wanted over $1500 to keep the chin overnight. My max was $600 and her assistant fought with me for over an hour about the price - told me to post date a check, apply for credit cards. She refused to help - other then doing an X ray and told me to pay her $250 to put her to sleep because there was no way she could survive.

It says you live in Alaska, but I think your other post said you moved at least once?
I used to live in Alaska but we moved to NY. Currently I am in China on a one year teaching contract
I told my mother NOT to feed veggies to her as I didnt think it sounded right. Just continue to feed critical care and benebac. Last year I was given some other drug that needed to be refrigerated but neither vet gave my mother any meds for her:banghead:
Hey! Not sure where you are in NY (I know it's a big state) but while I live in FL now, I'm originally from CT and before moving to college took my boy to an exotic animal vet in South Wilton, CT. They were very knowledgeable and definitely didn't overcharge me at all. Maybe that is a possibility? Here is their website:
I recently went threw something similar with my chin bubbles. He stopped eating and drinking. We had an xray done and he was impacted and dehydrated. I have critical care every 4-6 hours and fluid injections every night. That is what my exotic vet prescribed. A regular vet told me to try the car lax before I went to the exotic vet. I waited till I saw the exotic vet and he said absolutely not to. Once bubbles was hydrated the blockage past. He started eating and drinking again. But unfortunately upon recheck they found a tumor in his intestines. Good luck.
I would definitely not advise lettuce- it can cause bloat, as can brassica. My specialist vet said herb leaves such as mint, basil and coriander are OK in moderation. My chin dislikes hay so I supplement with a dry herbal forage mix for chins.our boy chinny had constipation after an op; he needed a laxative injection to get him going as he didn't want to eat while he was constipated.

Fruit should not be citrus or with high sugar levels. Some vets see chins as interchangeable with bunnies etc which is not the case. And raw veg/fruit would need to be such small amounts that it's hard to see how it would much help things.

Our vet said pomegranate seeds and unripe pears were OK in small amounts. It would be worth getting a second opinion on thus though. Sites like chincare list some health remedies but I'd recommend looking for a good vet and buying some critical care for chins (liquid food and probiotic) plus syringe droppers ( no needles!) In case they deteriorate.

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